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Friday Mentorship Call is happening in 5 days
Who are those willing to pick up their spades and dig deeper?
The Lord downloaded this word to me whilst I was sat on the beach last Wednesday : A word from the Lord I am looking for people that won’t only scratch the surface but will dig deep . I saw people with spades digging in the soil when they had dug only a little, they found water I heard the words I’m not looking for a rake generation but a spade generation . This who want to go deeper who are not satisfied with the surface . I’m looking for an Ekekiel 47 generation , those that crave to go deeper!! We are to move in to deeper waters . With that comes risk and trust as you sometimes can’t see what lies beneath , you can’t touch the bottom . I heard the Lord say this is where you follow my lead and realise I am your safety net. It’s when you stop relying on your self protection and move in to fuller faith . Full reliance on Him! It is the unknown and He has so much beauty and hidden things to show you ! Some will want to turn back and stand on solid ground in the shallows because it is safe to them and what they know . Like Peter when Jesus had died and resurrected he went back to what he knew as that was his safe place to go back to being a fisherman . But Jesus had so much more for him and to show him . Ephesians 3:20 - to him who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ever imagine. He wants to show us Jeremiah 33:3 moments! I dare you step into the water , dare to go deeper, pick up your spade. He has so much to share and show you !
New comment 3h ago
“It’s time for the creatives to arise”
They have been living underground. They have been fighting for their lives. They have been fighting over the promises of God. They know they were born for so much more. They have a fire, a knowing in their spirit that they have so much to give yet the years of warfare have worn them down. They have a voice, a creative voice, unlike that of others. They have an assignment, a specific assignment and are ready to receive. They have been trained, they are now war ready. Ready to face the onslaught for they now stand firm. They stand on the rock that they know is their strength, their truth, their hope. It’s time to arise! You! My might warriors! My creatives! You were born for such a time as this. You were born to carry My heart, My fire, My glory. Don’t shrink back, for now is your time to shine. When the world looks dark, you My loved ones will illuminate the spaces I send you to. You will release My truth, you will release the deep things of My heart with such a purity, such a passion and with such a deep submission to Me. Your eyes will be opened to things you’ve never even dreamt of seeing. Your imagination will come alive with the down pouring of revelation I am releasing. Rise creatives! Rise and proclaim the name of your God! Make My name famous in all the earth! Declare My truth, My will, My ways to all the people. Let a wave, a ripple effect go out over the nations to create a new sound, a new reality, the Kingdom reality. My creatives, you will awaken My bride. You will be able to speak in ways others cannot. Don’t be surprised when I show up in your world, for what I am about to do through you is far more than you ever dreamt or imagined. A new wave is coming! This wave is My creatives! “Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭24‬:‭7‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ “For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?””
New comment 4d ago
ORACLE : Voice of God : Happy For This Group🤗
I got this word after Friday's teaching. I was feeling a bit low as to why so many in my life treated me so badly. Sincerely, I would speak up about situations that were laying dormant or untouched. In their defence, I was a bit frank and blunt (straightforward). Nevertheless, it was clear that it needed to be addressed. The retaliation was brutal. Being that it started when I was a little girl. In the innocence of heart, I would relate what I was seeing in them, yet they would lie. Especially when I would relate to highlighting areas that needed improvement. This continued all through the years, into adulthood. Mainly, whenever I spoke, it would be met with such harsh treatment. Eventually leading to public humiliation, character defamation/assassination, occultism slander/smear campaign and ostracizing. It was horrible and ever so lonely. I yearned for my name to be cleared and for people to see the true me. The real me. Yet it seem to go from bad to worse. It became so bad that manic depression came in, which led to multiple suicidal attempts. I didn't want to be in a world where the humans in it didn't accept my presence. After Friday's teaching, I laying in bed, reliving these horrible events in mind. And thinking how it would have been so good if I had had a mentor all these years. Someone who would have taught me how to regulate this gift. Deep in thought, I heard Isaiah 40:3. So I went to look it up and felt led to read verses 3-5. Which confirms a dream God told me that he was going to train me to be an Oracle. 3. The VOICE of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, MAKE STRAIGHT in the desert a highway for our God. 4. Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the CROOKED shall be MADE STRAIGHT, and the ROUGH places PLAIN: 5. And the GLORY of the LORD shall be REVEALED, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it. Isaiah 40:3-5 KJV This is me in a nutshell.
New comment 12d ago
Word - It was YOU
Hi Everyone, I felt to share this word as I believe it speaks to us all. Writing with the Lord this is what He said to me… I have trained you my darling like a Navy SEAL, to be a specialist, a specialist in hearing my voice, to live so intimately and close to Me that you would hear my voice so clearly. Soak in the truth of My love for you and the place of intimacy I have brought you into. The only person that has done that is YOU. Not any other person could do that for you. It was YOU that walked through all that testing and all those trials. It was YOU that pursued me and it was YOU that said “YES” to My every invitation. It was YOU. NAVY SEAL - Special operations force - 20-25% of all SEAL candidates complete the training needed - Are an elite unit - Sea, Air and Land special operations force and a component of the Naval Special Warfare Command This is the Navy Seals Creed (I pray you would read/see this as a Son/Daughter of God in His army for His Kingdom and change the wording accordingly) In times of war or uncertainty there is a special breed of warrior ready to answer our nations call, a common man with an uncommon desire to succeed. I am that man, I humbly serve as a guardian to my fellow Americans, always ready to defend those who are unable to defend themselves. I serve with honor on and off the battlefield, my character and honor are steadfast, my word is my bond, I lead by example in all situations. I will never quit. My mission expects me to be physically harder and mentally stronger than my enemies, the lives of my team mates and the success of our mission depend on me. We train for war and we fight to win. Brave men have fought and died building the proud tradition and feared reputation that I am bound to uphold. I will not fail. (I know the creed is much more extensive but this is the only part the Lord led me to) In this creed I gained clarity on all He has done, the amazing work in us all and we all have our specialised gifts that come together for one cause. For His and His alone. I pray this word blesses you as it is me. Strengthening me and helping me to see the BIGGER picture.
New comment 14d ago
Who is willing?
I woke with a vision of a cast iron bath with feet. All of these people admired it and said how lovely it was . Then they were asked if they would have it in their house . They all replied “no”. I asked the Lord about this and He said What they don’t realise is with this bath comes a package deal , I am with you in the cleaning and washing , any dirt that is stuck to you I am their with you, gently washing you clean ( I saw him like a dad sponging down his children with bubbles in the bath ) . You are not alone in this , I am with you . I heard many will struggle in self governance as they think it’s too much of a cost and that they have to do it alone , we just have to welcome his washing, He is beautiful loving, gentle Father who just wants our yes . It’s so worth it ! I then heard the words He is bringing back our shine !! Hallelujah!! He just added more as I posted - He said I find the parts that you can’t see I saw him washing behind the ears of his child .
New comment 21d ago
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