Word - It was YOU
Hi Everyone, I felt to share this word as I believe it speaks to us all.
Writing with the Lord this is what He said to me…
I have trained you my darling like a Navy SEAL, to be a specialist, a specialist in hearing my voice, to live so intimately and close to Me that you would hear my voice so clearly. Soak in the truth of My love for you and the place of intimacy I have brought you into. The only person that has done that is YOU. Not any other person could do that for you. It was YOU that walked through all that testing and all those trials. It was YOU that pursued me and it was YOU that said “YES” to My every invitation. It was YOU.
  • Special operations force
  • 20-25% of all SEAL candidates complete the training needed
  • Are an elite unit
  • Sea, Air and Land special operations force and a component of the Naval Special Warfare Command
This is the Navy Seals Creed
(I pray you would read/see this as a Son/Daughter of God in His army for His Kingdom and change the wording accordingly)
In times of war or uncertainty there is a special breed of warrior ready to answer our nations call, a common man with an uncommon desire to succeed. I am that man, I humbly serve as a guardian to my fellow Americans, always ready to defend those who are unable to defend themselves. I serve with honor on and off the battlefield, my character and honor are steadfast, my word is my bond, I lead by example in all situations. I will never quit. My mission expects me to be physically harder and mentally stronger than my enemies, the lives of my team mates and the success of our mission depend on me. We train for war and we fight to win. Brave men have fought and died building the proud tradition and feared reputation that I am bound to uphold. I will not fail.
(I know the creed is much more extensive but this is the only part the Lord led me to)
In this creed I gained clarity on all He has done, the amazing work in us all and we all have our specialised gifts that come together for one cause. For His and His alone. I pray this word blesses you as it is me. Strengthening me and helping me to see the BIGGER picture.
I could speak so much more into this but I feel you will all receive your own revelation as the Lord reveals.
Love and blessing to you all ❤️
Michi Laffan
Word - It was YOU
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