Who are those willing to pick up their spades and dig deeper?
The Lord downloaded this word to me whilst I was sat on the beach last Wednesday : A word from the Lord
I am looking for people that won’t only scratch the surface but will dig deep . I saw people with spades digging in the soil when they had dug only a little, they found water
I heard the words I’m not looking for a rake generation but a spade generation . This who want to go deeper who are not satisfied with the surface . I’m looking for an Ekekiel 47 generation , those that crave to go deeper!!
We are to move in to deeper waters . With that comes risk and trust as you sometimes can’t see what lies beneath , you can’t touch the bottom . I heard the Lord say this is where you follow my lead and realise I am your safety net. It’s when you stop relying on your self protection and move in to fuller faith . Full reliance on Him! It is the unknown and He has so much beauty and hidden things to show you ! Some will want to turn back and stand on solid ground in the shallows because it is safe to them and what they know . Like Peter when Jesus had died and resurrected he went back to what he knew as that was his safe place to go back to being a fisherman . But Jesus had so much more for him and to show him . Ephesians 3:20 - to him who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ever imagine. He wants to show us Jeremiah 33:3 moments!
I dare you step into the water , dare to go deeper, pick up your spade. He has so much to share and show you !
Michele Reeve
Who are those willing to pick up their spades and dig deeper?
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