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Friday Mentorship Call is happening in 5 days
Demonstration Of Power
Demonstration Of Power Matthew 4:23 CSB - Now Jesus began to go all over Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people. The actions in this verse are the hallmark of Jesus's ministry; Teaching, Preaching, and healing. Teaching is clearly articulating the content of the message (word of God), Preaching is calling for response to accept what is taught ( the message), and healing is visible demonstration of the power of the message. We as the called to proclaim the Gospel, let's remember we have the power to do greater works than what Jesus did while as a man (he gave us the right if we believe in him). So after teaching, preaching, let's not neglect the demonstration of the power of the message. Lay your hand on the sick and speak the word.
Black backgrounds to 'words'
Hi Community, Sometimes when I get words for people I will get a picture come to the eyes of my heart, but the background is pitch black. So share exactly what I see, no more, but I dont share the black background part. Does anyone have any prayerful thoughts as to what this might mean if anything at all? Thank you.
New comment 5d ago
Creative ways to release a prophecy
Creative ways to release a prophetcy - The Lord impressed upon me once to write a prophetic poem for an unborn child. Once He did that, it made me think of creative ways to release prophetic words. I wrote a couple of prophetic songs. Lately, I've been creating some graphics, as pictures can speak a whole lot of things. I'd be interested in this community if you would share some of the creative/different ways, you have delivered a word from the Lord. :-)
OH THE JOY OF NUMBERS! I thought about creating a graphic exactly like yours on your page Jack. That was about 2 or 3 years ago, but I held off on it. Today, it dawned on me that I had ‘caught a glimpse’ of my future involvement in this community you have created @Jack Jensz Jr. . How wonderful! Your graphic is not there by chance! The Lord has been reminding me for some time about the base 2 numbering system. (Binary – 0 and 1). When I was in grade 6, I was given the opportunity to be the teacher and TEACH the Base 2 number system to the class, chapter 3 in my maths text book. The memory of that has come to the fore in recent times again. Another layer of revelation can come from the understanding of numbers. As the book of Daniel has now opened, we can clearly see the words on the wall, “Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin” which reads, “NUMBER, NUMBER, weights and measures”. God says, “Get wisdom and understanding.”😊
I'm happy to be here
Hello everyone! I'm so happy to be here. I pray that the Lord use this platform to sharpen our prophetic ability in Jesus Christ name.
New comment 14d ago
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Prophetic Inner Circle
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