OH THE JOY OF NUMBERS! I thought about creating a graphic exactly like yours on your page Jack. That was about 2 or 3 years ago, but I held off on it. Today, it dawned on me that I had ‘caught a glimpse’ of my future involvement in this community you have created . How wonderful! Your graphic is not there by chance!
The Lord has been reminding me for some time about the base 2 numbering system. (Binary – 0 and 1).
When I was in grade 6, I was given the opportunity to be the teacher and TEACH the Base 2 number system to the class, chapter 3 in my maths text book. The memory of that has come to the fore in recent times again.
Another layer of revelation can come from the understanding of numbers. As the book of Daniel has now opened, we can clearly see the words on the wall, “Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin” which reads, “NUMBER, NUMBER, weights and measures”.
God says, “Get wisdom and understanding.”😊
Vicki Love
Prophetic Inner Circle
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