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2 contributions to Converting Media Research Club
Format Your Critiques Correctly! Watch This Video :)
If you're posting in the group for a critique on your copy, please watch this video first! Key Points - ADD THIS PHRASE "[For Critique]" At the beginning - Select the "Help, Feedback, and Critiques" category - Do not post as a link, post as full text! Thank you all, watch here
New comment 3d ago
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@Jonny Ross Categorey 😁
[For Crituque] Rule Of One
I prepared 2 versions of the copy, choose which is better, thanks. A copy focusing on ONE BIG IDEA by Masterson. SL: Why simple copy results to success. PV: The Rule of One shows why your copy shouldn’t be complicated. %NAME%, Are you cramming too many ideas into your copy, hoping something will stick with your audience? Because I’m gonna tell you why you’re making a fundamental fatal mistake of why your copy doesn’t convert. The feeling of being able to say so many things makes you feel you really know what you’re doing. But what if I told you that it is also the same thing that destroys the clarity of your copy? Do you know “CCC” and “CCC”? It’s simply, “Clarity Copy Converts”, and “Complicated Copy Confuse”. This law applies the Rule Of One. As explained by Michael Masterson, It means by focusing on ONE BIG IDEA in your copy works way better than piling on a bunch of different points. Sounds simple but I know it’s hard, why? The overthinking moment of what ifs, “What if i lack the something to persuade” “What if they won’t understand if i didn’t tell them more?” So on, and so forth. Actually, NAME, Less is more. Because the most effective copy focuses on a single, clear, and compelling idea. Many copywriters or marketers use a "tossed salad" approach, Cramming multiple points together hoping something resonates. Little did they know, Successful ads and copy are often the simplest, clearest, and easiest to understand. So make sure the next time you write your copy to whatever it is, Keep in your heart, mind, and soul to always apply the Rule Of One. One Big Idea, Dmitri P.S: If you want more FREE value bombshells about copywriting proven strategies to convert an audience to customers/clients. Click here. SL: Why Simple Copy Leads to Success PV: Discover how the Rule of One shows why less is more in your copy. Hi %NAME%, Are you cramming too many ideas into your copy, hoping something will stick with your audience? Let me explain why this might be the biggest mistake that's keeping your copy from converting.
New comment 3d ago
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It means by focusing on ONE BIG IDEA in your copy works way better than piling on a bunch of different points. Should be: It means that focusing on ONE BIG IDEA in your copy works way better than piling on a bunch of different points.
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