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Royalty Ronin

Private • 463 • Paid

Client Rainmakers

Private • 74 • Free

The CoachCast Academy

Private • 264 • Free

Gospel Patrons

Private • 134 • Free

Remote Academy (Free)

Private • 508 • Free

Community Builders - Free

Private • 1.4k • Free

Appointment Setting

Private • 711 • Paid

The Marketing Starter Kit

Public • 273 • Free

Adsvisore Ads Academy

Private • 200 • Free

20 contributions to The Marketing Starter Kit
What's Your Favorite GIF??
This is a very important question... Last night I was trying to sleep, and I thought... I wonder what everyone's favorite GIF is... And it kept me up all night.. So PLEASE, help me out... I can't stay up all night thinking about this again...
New comment 2d ago
What's Your Favorite GIF??
2 likes • 5d
2 likes • 5d
@Ron Carter 😆🤣
2 likes • 10d
Interesting! How do you use that information to help yourself?
Just had a member of our VIP group get a sale LIVE, while on our call together this morning… If you’re not in marketing VIP’s your missing out… It’s the only place I know of, where you can get support Monday through Friday on zoom, share your screen, and have someone (me) tell you exactly what to say next so you get sales… That’s exactly what happened this morning. @Dawn Meyers shared her screen, opened Facebook, and I told her exactly what to do. She started 10 conversations with potential prospects for what she’s selling, and one of them replied while we were still on the zoom. I instructed her on how to respond, and move the conversation forward… and within a few minutes, the prospect said “please send me an invoice, I really need this” I’ve never seen a support group that will help close deals and get sales with you live… and that’s why I created this… If that’s something you think will help YOU.. Click here->> to join Marketing VIP’s today
New comment 7d ago
4 likes • 13d
That's what winning looks like.
Want me to give you $100?
Huge announcement here! I'm really passionate about making this the best community out here in these internet streets... And just to prove that, I'm going to put my money where my mouth is... Here's how it's going to work... On the first of every month, starting on the 1st of July (Pacific Time) I'll be doing 2 things. The first thing is: I'll be removing anyone from this group, that has been at level 1 for all of the previous month... That means, if you joined this group in the month of May, and you are still level 1 on July 1st, then you get removed... BUT, on the contrary.... If you are NUMBER 1 on the leaderboards for the month of June on July 1st, then I will personally reach out, and send you a $100 Amazon gift card! So you're probably wondering... How do I make sure I'm not level 1, and how do I get the number 1 spot on the leaderboard for the month? The answer is the same for both! Simply ENGAGE! Engage with other group members posts, reply to comments other people are leaving... Be friendly, make jokes, and make friends! When you show people love, they show love back.... It's really that simple... And just so you're aware, if I tag you below, that means you're on the removal list for July 1st unless you level up in the group: (no hard feelings, just want to make this place as good as possible!) @Terrence Neff @Jerry Weathers @Sharon Edwards @Colleen Kane @Charles Bosworth @Christopher Bruce @Razvan Toma @Steve Richard @Dave Stevens @Judi. Snyder @Ry Ryguy @Charles Dukes @Peter Lane @Monique Artis @Raymond Zhu @Henry Moyle @Me Carolyn Owens @Angela Leal @Jim Petre @David Bartlett @Johan van Heerden @Monique Artis @Joe Gonzales @Michele DiCarlo @Hoi Nguyen @Luis Martines @Michael Chan @Elizabeth Rios @Charles Hunter @Cory Nagy @Tejas Singh Gulati @Clark Fullmer @Edward Roy @Aj Davenport @Sree Vidya @Renee Lemonier @Zachary Gunderson @Stephen Vandel @Danielle Corenchuk @Bill Vear @Allen Bulak @Sarah Angelle @Laura Duijndam @Monty Moffett @Yazid Hamza @Ayodeji Ajayi @Jason Joyner @Felice Digennaro @Deniss Hmelevskis @Alex Hayes @Kate No Bar Code Printing @Amber Lewis @Jeffrey Brown @Jamie Gardiner @Monica Jones @Lanson Furtado @Jackie de Boer @Ricky Shetty
New comment 16d ago
Want me to give you $100?
1 like • 17d
@Tyga rush is in the house!
Your Name in a GIF
click the GIF button, and type your first name in.. Choose the very first GIF thats recommended.. NO CHEATING... LOL lets see what happens
New comment 21d ago
Your Name in a GIF
3 likes • 22d
1-10 of 20
Alvin Curren
13points to level up
Referral partner networking. On a mission to promote the cause of liberty and the principles that make freedom and prosperity possible.

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Joined May 26, 2024
Temple, Texas
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