Want me to give you $100?
Huge announcement here!
I'm really passionate about making this the best community out here in these internet streets...
And just to prove that, I'm going to put my money where my mouth is...
Here's how it's going to work...
On the first of every month, starting on the 1st of July (Pacific Time) I'll be doing 2 things.
The first thing is:
I'll be removing anyone from this group, that has been at level 1 for all of the previous month...
That means, if you joined this group in the month of May, and you are still level 1 on July 1st, then you get removed...
BUT, on the contrary....
If you are NUMBER 1 on the leaderboards for the month of June on July 1st, then I will personally reach out, and send you a $100 Amazon gift card!
So you're probably wondering...
How do I make sure I'm not level 1, and how do I get the number 1 spot on the leaderboard for the month?
The answer is the same for both!
Simply ENGAGE!
Engage with other group members posts, reply to comments other people are leaving...
Be friendly, make jokes, and make friends!
When you show people love, they show love back....
It's really that simple...
And just so you're aware, if I tag you below, that means you're on the removal list for July 1st unless you level up in the group:
(no hard feelings, just want to make this place as good as possible!)
Ron Carter
Want me to give you $100?