Just had a member of our VIP group get a sale LIVE, while on our call together this morning…
If you’re not in marketing VIP’s your missing out…
It’s the only place I know of, where you can get support Monday through Friday on zoom, share your screen, and have someone (me) tell you exactly what to say next so you get sales…
That’s exactly what happened this morning.
shared her screen, opened Facebook, and I told her exactly what to do.
She started 10 conversations with potential prospects for what she’s selling, and one of them replied while we were still on the zoom.
I instructed her on how to respond, and move the conversation forward…
and within a few minutes, the prospect said “please send me an invoice, I really need this”
I’ve never seen a support group that will help close deals and get sales with you live… and that’s why I created this…
If that’s something you think will help YOU..
Ron Carter
The Marketing Starter Kit
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