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16 contributions to Agency Service Scaling Kings👑
Client Charged On Facebook
A client that I used to work with a year ago has said he's received a charge from facebook for $500. I haven't been running his ads at all and don't even have access to his account anymore, but he says he hasn't given anyone else access either so he wants me to help get it sorted. He logged into his facebook account and it seems like there's no transactions there on his transaction records, but his credit card was still somehow charged from facebook. Not sure how to fix this and help him get his refund. I don't have access to facebook support either directly so not sure what to do.
New comment 8d ago
1 like • 8d
@Thure Sander How could I confirm if he did boost a post or not, is there a way to see that on his facebook, and if so, where?
0 likes • 8d
@Alexander Kosenko Alright asked him to
Facebook Issue
One of my clients had changed his cards multiple times before we launched his facebook campaign, so when we launched facebook detected 'suspicious activity' and disabled the account. Now it requires him to show a bank statement showing facebook charges on the card he connected. Only thing is, there's no payments made as we hadn't started the campaign, and he's using a prepaid card so there's not even any statements at all to show. Need to have this fixed urgently as it's been a problem for a week and I can't figure out how to get over this. Does anyone have any advice I have a call with him coming up soon and need to get it sorted.
New comment 17d ago
0 likes • 22d
@Thure Sander doesn’t show any option to get into contact with them, I think it’s because my ads manager is relatively new. Do you have any workarounds for this?
0 likes • 22d
@Tawhid İbrahimi doesn’t show any option to get into contact with them, I think it’s because my ads manager is relatively new. Do you have any workarounds for this?
Free trials or charge?
Thought of a plan and wondering if you guys think it would work, tbh recently I've been getting impostor syndrome on sales calls even though I have got really good results for my clients previously. So I was thinking, what if I just offered to take on 10 free trial clients for one month, get them really good results and ask for a testimonial in return. That way I get 10 testimonials and/or some of them stay as paying clients which I can use as referrals to close more clients. I feel like this would just make it a lot easier for me to sell and I can prove myself to each client before getting paid, since I know I can. Do you guys think this is a good idea? Or should I just charge them right upfront?
New comment Aug 19
1 like • Aug 19
@Thure Sander I just feel like it'll be much easier to close since I can mention the entire time that 'we don't get paid until we get results.' Just feels easier that way, feel when people know there's something upfront they're a lot more skeptical about whether its a scam or not. So rather just sell this way then once I've got a couple of clients and I start charging I can use my clients to speak to anyone on the fence and help close more.
1 like • Aug 19
@Thure Sander So what I would do is market it as 'we don't get paid until we get results' but on the call I would explain our normal pricing, eg setup fee etc, but I would say we let all realtors test drive our system for 30 days to see for themselves how it works before committing to anything (something along those lines), all I'll ask for it a truthful testimonial in return, then after 30 days I'd get on another call with them and try get them on the actual program, if I do then that's great if not I still have a free testimonial which will also be good to close more clients. Thats my idea rn.
Payment threshold
I've created a new fb account for my client, the payment threshold is currently at $3 and even if I put $1000 in, it still stays the same. Is there any way to change it as I don't want my client constantly being charged every time $3 is spent. Or do I just have to wait for it to increase over time.
New comment Aug 19
Cold calling question
Do you guys think its worth cold calling on Friday? The reason I'm asking is because when I book appointments on Friday, I'd have to schedule them in for the next week as I only take sales calls on weekdays, and I've heard that usually show rates decrease the longer it is between your first original call and the meeting. So would it make more sense to just cold call the next Monday so I can book them in for the next day or two and then take the call instead?
New comment Aug 16
0 likes • Aug 16
@Jesan Sah Not really because on weekdays I'm usually either always on a cold call or a sales call all day so I've been leaving weekends to spend time with family and take a break from my SMMA, so would prefer not to book anyone for those times anyways.
0 likes • Aug 16
@Jesan Sah I’m booked out for next Monday and Tuesday, so I was thinking I should just call new leads then and book them in for Wednesday and after. Instead of calling them now and doing the same thing but with more time in between interactions.
1-10 of 16
Ahmed Ishak
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Active 8d ago
Joined Jun 27, 2024
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