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Created by Sean

Free Kettlebell Transformation

Public โ€ข 1.8k โ€ข Free

We help busy men transform their bodies and get kettlebell strong from home without sacrificing family or career time.

Kettlebell Transformation

Private โ€ข 323 โ€ข Free

Where KT men come to learn, connect and grow๐Ÿ’ช


Skool Community

Public โ€ข 105.9k โ€ข Paid

The Skool Games

Private โ€ข 15.6k โ€ข Free

Kettlebell Academy

Private โ€ข 167 โ€ข $47/m

Scaling School

Private โ€ข 1.1k โ€ข Paid

238 contributions to Free Kettlebell Transformation
24 Hour Shut Down Notice (+ Special Offer To Try The Kettlebell Academy FREE for 7 Days)
Hey everyone! Just wanted to thank all of you who joined and participated in this free group. The time has finally come - tomorrow (Wednesday, Apr 24th) @ 12PM EST we'll be officially CLOSING this group down. If you've enjoyed the content we've put out and you want more of it, I'd highly encourage you to check out The Kettlebell Academy (KBA)! We've had over 130 men join the KBA in the month since launching, and the feedback has been very positive. ๐ŸŽ Here is a special link to start a 7-day KBA Trial for FREE: The free trial will be well worth it regardless if you choose to continue, as you'll get instant access to nine unique bonuses valued at over $3,397 AND the first 4-weeks of 'done-for-you-programming' in our Kettlebell Academy Training Roadmap (over 2.5 years in total!) Thank you again for your support! Hope to see you inside the KBA, Sean & Grant
New comment Apr 28
24 Hour Shut Down Notice (+ Special Offer To Try The Kettlebell Academy FREE for 7 Days)
0 likes โ€ข Apr 28
@David Hall right on David!!! Appreciate your support good sir
EMOMโ€ฆ how important is it?
As Iโ€™ve progressed (thanks to @Sean Griffin and @Grant Anderson amazing programming) - Iโ€™ve noticed itโ€™s harder to level up on the big bells (40kg/44kg/48kg) with 10x10 EMOM. Iโ€™m finding Iโ€™m sacrificing form to get it done in time. I know @Grant Anderson has said not to worry about time, technique is key- but am I sacrificing the cardio gains (leaning up) if I donโ€™t keep up EMOM? I have a tendency to say โ€œjust man up and do itโ€ฆpunkโ€ But, I wanted input from my betters on what my mind set should be as Iโ€™m trying to reach and own that 48kg. Thanks!!!!
New comment Apr 18
EMOMโ€ฆ how important is it?
4 likes โ€ข Mar 30
Cardio gains and leaning up are 2 different things, so we gotta be clear on the goal. That said, sacrificing form not only wrecks your cardio gains, but it also wrecks your strength gains and your nervous system!! EMOMs are for lighter bells :)
48kg Getup!
After something like 8 months of basically just using the Flagship program I hit my first 48kg getup yesterday and it felt pretty strong. I was skeptical that my smaller 5'9" 168lb frame could actually make it there, but trusted the progressive overload model and kept grinding. @Grant Anderson and @Sean Griffin if I can do this following a free 4 week cycle from you guys I'm curious what I can accomplish with the Academy. Might have to try it out for a few months.
New comment Mar 28
2 likes โ€ข Mar 25
Real hot ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿฆ
First 36kg TGU!
Started my 4th round of the flagship program this week. And today was the day to attempt my first TGU with my new heavy bell, the 36kg. Once again I was amazed at how it felt heavy, but I was still strong AF through the motion. This progression has been so awesome and while I know I'll probably start to plateau a little bit as I get into the heavier bells, I'm still fully committed to chasing down that 48kg TGU. Get some!! Side note: Gotta love when your wife is still your biggest cheerleader after 24 years of being together.
New comment Oct '23
1 like โ€ข Oct '23
Yo lets go!
Just Joined!
Where are you from? The Bay Area, CA! What's your nickname? Super stud! Haha nah just kidding. Just Nick Favorite Kettlebell Exercise? Swings definitely. Least Favorite Kettlebell Exercise? Probably the clean to be honest. Canโ€™t wait to master it ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿป Looking forward to connecting with this community more!!
New comment Nov '23
1 like โ€ข Oct '23
1-10 of 238
Sean Griffin
31points to level up
KT Co-Founder. We help men simplify their health and fitness while getting ridiculously strong from home with kettlebells. 2 kids aged 5 and 2 ๐Ÿ˜

Active 1d ago
Joined Jun 23, 2023
Evanston, IL
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