Hi, all. December was a whirlwind and I didn't have time to reflect on the insights that began with the You Unleashed program, but I figured it was a good start for January. I got the audio-only but didn't listen to the first December bonus call until over a week after it occurred. I gave myself a few days to mull that over and then listened to the second one. Not long after that was the monthly PCC call, and I have also been relistening to the PCC audios (on Step 2 right now). I have a lot of good momentum. For some history, I am multipassionate and generally have a terrible time with decision-making and focus. In my first career, I taught French and Spanish, in my second, I was a benefits administrator, and that has morphed into doing payroll, mostly for school districts. But I have always felt like there is something else I should be doing, something that is "mine," perhaps a business that is unique to my skills, interests, and experience. And I have done some entrepreneurial things-- going back to high school when I taught piano lessons, even to adults, I sold teaching aids (through Teachers' Discovery), I've tutored, not just French but ACT/SAT prep, been an Usborne Books at Home consultant, sold on eBay, started a foodie/lifestyle blog that didn't really see the light of day, resold books on Amazon, collected PLR material I haven't really turned into anything, considered course creation, and so on. For the past year (as Magic Hours participants know), I have been following a course to become a feng shui consultant, no so much to become a practicing consultant, but to use feng shui to support my dreams and find my purpose. I started hosting a monthly art night, partly to socialize, partly to hold space for artistic endeavors instead of deciding other things are more important. I fired up my Amazon book biz again, but too slowly to really take advantage of quarter 4 (Christmas) selling, and one night a couple of months ago I purchased a podcasting course. What?! I have not even looked at that yet, and it seemed to have nothing to do with anything (and had not interested me before), but seemed like a necessary leap of faith at the time that I bought it. I started a new [payroll in a private school] job a few months ago and that has been great, giving me much more margin for the other interests, and surprisingly not hitting the checkbook too hard despite the fact that it's only 30 hours a week.