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Day 38 of Dev75
1️⃣ Productive Morning: ✅ 2️⃣ Organize To-Dos: ✅ 3️⃣ 30 Minutes of Learning: ✅ React Basics 101 - Introduction to State Swift Language Basics - Control Flow, Operators, and Optionals (if statements) 4️⃣ Time to Code: ✅ React Basics 101 - Introduction to State Swift Language Basics - Control Flow, Operators, and Optionals (if statements) 5️⃣ Daily Reset: ✅ Short exercise, gaming 6️⃣ Support the Community: ✅ Mastering JavaScript Arrays: Techniques, Best Practices, and Advanced Uses: Day 37:
New comment 4h ago
Day 38 of Dev75
Day 16 of Dev75
Today I accomplished the following: 1. Productive Morning: Woke at 6am, took cold shower and prepared for the meetings at work 2. Sort my To-Dos: ✅ As usual completed this before bed. 3. 30 mins of learning: ✅ , learned about the process flow of the company’s business process 4. Time to Code: ✅ , did no coding today, though I still got 9hours to work on my project 5. Daily Reset: ✅, took a 15 mins walk 6. Support the Community: ✅ Explained the concept ticketing process to enhance customer communication 7. Link to previous day's post:
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# Dev 100 - Day [35]
## Today's Accomplishments ### 1. 🌅 Morning Productivity - 🍳 Healthy Breakfast: Blueberry Breakfast Cake - Office Cleaned, Bed Made, Rhythm ready for school - Magic the Gathering Wake up matches 4/0 2 of the matches I came back from serious disadvantages - Update Dev 100 Template ### 2. ✅ To-Dos & Completed Tasks - [Checkmate AI] - [X] [Update To-Dos] - [X] [Clear Complete Task] - Daily To-Do Report: 5 Task on Hold, 2 In Progress, 1 Completed ### 3. 📚 Learning - 🦸‍♂️ **Zero to Full Stack Hero**: Introduction to CSS and Using Dribble Design with Tailwind CSS by AVNEESH AGARWAL [Part-3] - 🔗 [Why Scrum is Stressing You Out]( ### 4. 💻 Coding Progress - 🧠 Warm-up Exercise: Implement two functions that demonstrate advanced array operations in JavaScript: 1. A function that performs a deep comparison of two arrays, potentially containing nested arrays and various data types. 2. A function that flattens a nested array structure into a single-level array. - 🏫 **Zero to Full Stack Hero Homework**: CSS & Dribble Homework - 🦺 Project: RFD - Rebuild auth config ### 5. 🔄 Daily Reset - 🏋️‍♂️ Deep Streches - 🧘 Smoke Break with wife ### 6. 🌤️ Afternoon Productivity - 🍱 Healthy Lunch: Turkey Sandwich & Chips - Errands around town ### 7. 🤝 Community Support - 🔗 [AI SaaS Challenge - snapshot length 0 causing map issue]( - 📁 Nested Objects Lession [File-Attachment] ### 8. 📊 Progress Tracking - 🏫 [Day-35]( - 📦 [GitHub Repo](
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Day 65 of Dev 75
Today, I accomplished the following: 1. Productive Morning: Started my day with a yoga session and a smoothie to boost my focus and energy. 2. Sort my To-Dos: Completed all my tasks for today efficiently and kept the project moving forward! 3. 30 mins of Learning: Watched a video on setting up automated testing with Jest and Cypress for front-end applications. 4. Time to Code: Integrated automated testing in the project using Jest and Cypress, ensuring that all key functionalities are thoroughly tested and errors are caught early. 5. Daily Reset: Took a break to relax with some light stretching and deep breathing exercises. 6. Support the Community: The React useSyncExternalStore Hook 7. Link to previous day's post:
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Day 5 of Dev100
My daughter and I have been sick for a few days (my daughter already bringing home viruses from school). My energy levels have been next to zero, so I decided to put this challenge aside for a few days. 1️⃣ Productive Morning: ✅ Woke up at 7.30am, got daughter to school on time without a mad rush. Built a new habit tracker in Notion and incorporated it into my evening reflection journal routine. I also sent off a job application 2️⃣ Organise to-dos… and do them: ✅ 3️⃣ 30 Minutes of Learning: ✅ - Put some good time into Spanish today - Continued Git course - 4️⃣ Time to Code: ✅ Made very good progress on the Intercom build. Got through 2 blocking bugs, and learned some things along the way. This challenge has taught me to improve my note taking. I feel like I am absorbing a lot more of what I study at the moment. I am learning the art of doing less, but going to a deeper level. 5️⃣ Daily Reset: ✅ Took advantage of our daughter spending the afternoon with her Abuelos and went for a small hike with my wife. 6️⃣ Support the Community: ✅ Quote of the day - “Done Is Better Than Perfect.” This is a big one for me. I often feel like I waste too much time trying to make something absolutely perfect, when in reality, more often than not you are better off getting something to a good level and moving on to the next thing. Useful Link: onClick={someFunction} VS onClick={()=>someFunction} Fairly basic, but it is good to understand what is happening under the hood, in simple terms. This does a good job of explaining. 7️⃣ Day 4 link: Notes: After a tough few days of having zero energy, it felt great to make some good progress on some things an get back to it. It is crazy how easy good habits can slip when something knocks you out of your stride, so I am very grateful to be able to get back to it, even though I’m not fully recovered.
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