Worked late waiting on call from boss that never came so stayed up to late to post this last night. ## Today's Accomplishments ### 1. 🌅 Morning Productivity 🍳 Healthy Breakfast: hasbrowns eggs toast & sasusage - [x] Morning Rountine: Clean Office, Rhythm Ready for School, Emails, Make Bed - Couple of magic matches then straight into work. - PR Review for oTTo-Dev ### 2. ✅ To-Dos & Completed Tasks - [x] [Update To-Dos] - [x] [Clear Complete Task] - Daily To-Do Report: 4 Done from Main project BIG hang ups ive been avoiding 8 Done from other projects and errands and important chores ### 3. 📚 Learning - 🔗 [🔴 Let's build a Full Stack E-Commerce App with NEXT.JS 15 (Sanity, Stripe, Clerk, Tailwind, TS)]( Specifically the Sanity TypeGen Low education material consumption today. heavy on the work side. ### 4. 💻 Coding Progress - 🧠 Warm-up Exercise: Create a component-based state system that allows for state management within components, state inheritance between parent and child components, and state sharing between sibling components. - 🏫 **Zero to Full Stack Hero Homework**: - 🦺 Project: AI - Alchemy - Sanity Intergration. EBT - Auth Refactor reset password & email verify - 📝 Code Snippet: ```javascript try { const body = await req.json(); console.log('📦 Password Reset Request:', body); const validationResult = RequestResetSchema.safeParse(body); console.log('✅ Schema Validation:', validationResult); if (!validationResult.success) { console.log('❌ Validation Failed:', validationResult.error.errors); throw new ApiError(validationResult.error.errors[0].message, 400); } const { email } =; console.log('📧 Processing Reset for:', email); // Check if user exists const usersRef = adminDb.collection('users'); const querySnapshot = await usersRef.where('email', '==', email.toLowerCase()).get();