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I will probably have to pay for openai limit bc of InsufficientQuotaError
I'm doing the embedding generation part in the day 3 video, but when I test the code I got the InsufficientQuotaError:429 message. How much should I pay at least? $1 is okay? btw I want to use gpt-3.5-turbo, is this code correct: const model = new ChatOpenAI({ apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY, modelName: "gpt-3.5-turbo", }); edit: or do you recommend gpt-4o-mini ? I'm little confused
New comment 10h ago
0 likes β€’ 10h
@Dev Sharma You will need to either add $5 to your OpenAI account, or use a different model, claude anthropic offers a $5 credit when you join or did at the time of the challenge, @Dev Ben has provided methods for using genimi in this group and will likely help you through the process
# Dev 100 - Day [35]
## Today's Accomplishments ### 1. πŸŒ… Morning Productivity - 🍳 Healthy Breakfast: Blueberry Breakfast Cake - Office Cleaned, Bed Made, Rhythm ready for school - Magic the Gathering Wake up matches 4/0 2 of the matches I came back from serious disadvantages - Update Dev 100 Template ### 2. βœ… To-Dos & Completed Tasks - [Checkmate AI] - [X] [Update To-Dos] - [X] [Clear Complete Task] - Daily To-Do Report: 5 Task on Hold, 2 In Progress, 1 Completed ### 3. πŸ“š Learning - πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ **Zero to Full Stack Hero**: Introduction to CSS and Using Dribble Design with Tailwind CSS by AVNEESH AGARWAL [Part-3] - πŸ”— [Why Scrum is Stressing You Out]( ### 4. πŸ’» Coding Progress - 🧠 Warm-up Exercise: Implement two functions that demonstrate advanced array operations in JavaScript: 1. A function that performs a deep comparison of two arrays, potentially containing nested arrays and various data types. 2. A function that flattens a nested array structure into a single-level array. - 🏫 **Zero to Full Stack Hero Homework**: CSS & Dribble Homework - 🦺 Project: RFD - Rebuild auth config ### 5. πŸ”„ Daily Reset - πŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Deep Streches - 🧘 Smoke Break with wife ### 6. 🌀️ Afternoon Productivity - 🍱 Healthy Lunch: Turkey Sandwich & Chips - Errands around town ### 7. 🀝 Community Support - πŸ”— [AI SaaS Challenge - snapshot length 0 causing map issue]( - πŸ“ Nested Objects Lession [File-Attachment] ### 8. πŸ“Š Progress Tracking - 🏫 [Day-35]( - πŸ“¦ [GitHub Repo](
New comment 3h ago
AI SaaS Challenge - snapshot length 0 causing map issue
Hello Papafam I hope you are very well Finally getting through the 5 day challenge and I've hit an issue I think the query in the useCollection might not be retreiving the correct data? firebase looks OK as per the first image I've uploaded, however the terminal is showing the following --- Creating a retriever... --- --- Fetching chat history from the firestore database... --- --- fetched last 0 messages sucessfully --- langchain file const chats = await adminDb .collection("users") .doc(userId) .collection("files") .doc(docId) .collection("chat") .orderBy("createdAt", "desc") //.limit(LIMIT) .get(); const [snapshot, loading, error] = useCollection( user && query( collection(db, "users", user?.id, "files", id, "chat"), orderBy("createdAt", "asc") ) ); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- useEffect snippet useEffect(() => { if (!snapshot) return; console.log("updated snapshot",; console.log("snapshot docs",; // get second last message to check if the AI is thinking const lastMessage = messages.pop(); if (lastMessage?.role === "ai" && lastMessage.message === "Thinking...") { // return as this is a dummy placeholder message return; } const newMessages = => { const { role, message, createdAt } =; return { id:, role, message, createdAt: createdAt.toDate(), }; }); setMessages(newMessages); // Ignore messages dependancy warning here... we don't want an infinite loop }, [snapshot]); the console shows the length of the to be 0 which implies to me that nothing was actually retrieved and therefore I get the following error warning: each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop check the render method of 'chat'..... I've tried to find the via console.log and also I rendered the result in the chat and it showed no results but three ,
New comment 1d ago
AI SaaS Challenge - snapshot length 0 causing map issue
0 likes β€’ 2d
@John Gill I will have a look today and see what i can see
0 likes β€’ 1d
@John Gill Hey I am going to need your .env file I would have to change a lot of stuff in clerk stripe and firebase to run with my set up. If your okay with this remove your openAI api key and send it to me in a private message
# Dev 100 - Day [34]
## Today's Accomplishments ### 1. πŸŒ… Morning Productivity - 🍳 Healthy Breakfast: Yogurt & Blackberries - Made bed, Clean office, Rhythm ready for school - Clear Inbox - Time with wife while the house is empty ### 2. βœ… To-Dos & Completed Tasks - [Checkmate AI] - [X] [Update To-Dos] - [X] [Clear Complete Task] - Daily To-Do Report: ### 3. πŸ“š Learning - πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ **Zero to Full Stack Hero**: [Topic or skill learned] - πŸ”— [How To Finish One Month of Work Today]( - πŸ”— [The Ultimate 2024 Tech Stack for Solo SaaS Developers: Build Smarter, Not Harder]( - πŸ”— [How To Create An NPM Package]( ### 4. πŸ’» Coding Progress - 🧠 Warm-up Exercise: Implement two functions that demonstrate advanced array manipulation and algorithmic thinking in JavaScript: 1. A function that rotates an array to the right by k steps. 2. A function that finds the length of the longest increasing subsequence in an array. - 🦺 Project: RFD: Refactoring for sprint 2 ```javascript for (let start = 0; count < n; start++) { let current = start; let prev = arr[start]; do { let next = (current + k) % n; let temp = arr[next]; arr[next] = prev prev = temp current = next count++ } while (start !== current) } ``` ### 5. πŸ”„ Daily Reset - πŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈ 3x[10] Pushups - Smoke Break / TikTok Politics Debate ### 6. 🌀️ Afternoon Productivity - 🍱 Healthy Lunch: Turkey Sandwhich with Chips - Selected code to use in my first NPM package - Meeting for project ### 7. 🀝 Community Support - Array Manipulation and Algorithms Lesson see attached file
New comment 1d ago
# Dev 100 - Day [34]
1 like β€’ 1d
@Raymond Adeniyi For sure that was a good one. I know about enough of the concepts discussed to know that what the guy is saying checks out
Day 62 of Dev 75
Today, I accomplished the following: 1. Productive Morning: Started my day with a brisk walk and a protein-packed breakfast to keep my energy levels up. 2. Sort my To-Dos: Completed all my tasks for today 3. 30 mins of Learning: Read an article on progressive enhancement and how it improves web accessibility. 4. Time to Code: Had to put coding on hold for today, attended orientation at my new office 5. Daily Reset: Took a break to unwind with some light stretching and a quick mindfulness session. 6. Support the Community: Tree traversal algorithms to DOM Β 7. Link to previous day's post:
New comment 2d ago
1 like β€’ 3d
@Faizan Muhammad Trying to do a work out 2x a week and some kind of other activity like a walk/jog or high activity play with the kids.
1 like β€’ 2d
@Faizan Muhammad no kidding there
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Steven Watkins
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Digital Artist / Photographer / Videographer / Content Creator / Programmer / Developer

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