How to escape "skinny fat" and build muscle in 4 steps
If you want to escape "skinny fat", here's the 4 steps that helped me go from skinny fat to muscular in just a year.
  1. Find your maintenance calories: Use this calculator.
  2. Pick a direction: Go on a lean bulk (+200 your maintenace calories), or recomp (eat at your maintenance)
  3. Eat enough protein: Take your weight in pounds and multiply it by 0.8. That's how many grams you should eat per day to build muscle.
  4. Perform progressive overload: As you get stronger, increase the weight or reps of your movement over time
That's literally it. Be consistent, and the gains will come FAST in 2024.
If you have any questions feel free to comment below, and I'll try to help 馃挭馃従
Owen Blair
How to escape "skinny fat" and build muscle in 4 steps
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