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TRM First Road: Identity is happening in 4 days
Negative thought detox
Has anybody read and tried the 7 Day Mental Diet by Emmet Fox?
New comment May 25
Good afternoon. I'd be grateful for some help making a decision. I have been looking to transition to cybersecurity for some time. I now found a way to do that using the Techpreneurs Club ( I've had a couple of Zoom meetings with them, including a recent graduate of the program who got a job five months after starting the program. Here is a brief overview of what they do (offer foundational training, set up internship, offer interview coaching, send out resumes, negotiate job offers): (starts at 1:50 in the video). The downside of the program is that it's very expensive (35K). I'm not sure what decision to make. I could do this program while I work and take on the debt upfront or take cheap classes at a local community college (or do certifications on my own) and apply for internships and jobs myself. This program could either be too big of a financial risk or the pressure-to-power that I need right now. Not sure. Have a good day and thanks for your help.
New comment Dec '23
From today's email: On Truth
From "Truth Is Power" in my Mastery Mindset Primer: "To tell the truth, you need to have a certain level of strength... because, if you are too vulnerable... if you are too weak... you must lie. You must paint a picture and influence your surroundings in a way that does not exploit your vulnerabilities... That does not expose you to a level of conflict you can't survive." One of the greatest reasons men will not honor their alliances is they haven't built the strength that such an honorable life requires. A good man doesn't make promises he can not keep, but some of those unkeepable promises come from the expectations he allows others to unwittingly place upon him. What was a time in your life when you told a truth that caused conflict, but it was the right thing to do, AND you were strong enough to do it?
New comment Dec '23
From today's email: On Truth
Brick session “interruptions”
I started using the 24 hour cycle a few days ago. To say it’s been a game changer is an understatement. I have been working on updating my resume this weekend. This is taking longer than I expected, and want to fit in my daily workouts. So during this time I have been stopping the resume work to briefly get some body weight exercises in. Then right back to working on it. Question is do I just skip the workouts until I am done putting forth all my time and effort in the resume? Does anybody else combine something from their daily TRIM plan in with a brick session?
New comment Nov '23
Do you remember?
What a was it like that first time you found yourself in a place where you were forced to pull yourself up by the boot straps? Did you have any support or did you do it alone? Did it take days weeks months or years?
New comment Nov '23
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