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TRM First Road: Identity is happening in 20 hours
No selling in the DM's
Gents, this is a place to use the Three Roads system to master one's life and increase the profitability of your entrepreneurial efforts. This isn't a place to creep on people with your offers using someone else's group. Anybody selling in DM's will be banned from the group. If you aren't here to help the group, you just won't be here. 😂🤷🏻‍♂️
New comment Dec '23
Welcome! The Three Roads Tribe is a community where men get ongoing help from me, Master Chim, & my team to build the skills to become successful entrepreneurs. Here's what to do first: Step 1: Introduce yourself HERE with this copy/paste template (My answers are there as an example): (Name/Nickname) Justin "Master Chim" Garcia (Location) Pocono Mountains, but Bronx Bred (Biggest Strength) I Will Call ANYONE On Their Bullsh*t! (Current "Future" Strength) Patience For Those Who Refuse To Climb (What Inspired You to Join the TRT) Well, I didn't join it, but started it, and I did it to start creating more followers of the systems and strategies that I not only live by life by, but coach my highest level of coaching students with! Step 2: Go through this introduction module 😊! Best practices: 1) Have a profile photo. 2) Space out all your writings into single sentence paragraphs (like I'm doing here). 3) Welcome new members, make helpful posts, share your wins, and engage in the community to level up! Group Rules: 1) No Self Promotion 2) No Selling in the DM's 3) No Spamming the Community Feed
New comment Jan 2
Beyond Emotion
We’ve all been there…running on pure emotion, fired up, and ready to conquer the world. The adrenaline kicks in, and for a moment, it feels like nothing can stop us. But then, as quickly as it arrived, that feeling fades. The fire dies down, and we’re left wondering what happened. Here’s the thing: relying solely on emotion to fuel your life is a recipe for burnout. It’s like throwing gasoline on a fire…it flares up bright and hot, but it doesn’t last. If you want to succeed, not just in the short term but over the long haul, you need to understand that emotion alone won’t carry you far. There’s a better, more sustainable way to fuel your journey. "Why Emotion Fails as Fuel" Emotion is unpredictable. It gives you that exhilarating peak…whether it’s excitement, anger, or joy…but what comes after? The inevitable crash. Emotions are temporary, fleeting states of mind. If you base your actions on how you feel at any given moment, you’re not truly in control. You’re at the mercy of external circumstances. Take anger, for instance. Sure, it can light a fire under you, push you to act in ways you wouldn’t normally, but anger fades. And when it does, what are you left with? Often, you’re stuck with the consequences of decisions made in the heat of the moment…decisions you wouldn’t have made if you’d taken a step back and thought things through. The same goes for excitement. It feels good while it lasts, but as soon as it wears off, you’re left searching for the next high. Living this way keeps you in a cycle of peaks and valleys, always chasing the next emotional spike to keep you going. "The Problem with Reactivity" When you run on emotion, you become reactive. You allow the world around you to dictate how you feel and, ultimately, how you act. It’s like being a ship in the middle of a storm, tossed around by every wave that hits. You have no control, no direction…just constant reaction to whatever comes your way. Think about it: how many times have you seen someone blow up at work or in a relationship, only to regret it later? They acted in the moment, driven by emotion, without considering the long-term consequences. That’s what happens when you let emotion take the wheel…you react, instead of responding with intention.
New comment 4d ago
Beyond Emotion
Would YOU have gone to one of Diddy's parties?
There are three reasons why a man goes to a party with a degenerate called a "freak off": 1. You've no idea what it's about (You're retarded) 2. You have no functional morals and/or standards (You're a degenerate, too) 3. You'll do anything to be "part of the club" (You're a slave to the approval of others) I've been a vocal advocate for men opting out of the funnel provided for them by the "Aquarium Elite" for over a decade in my online work. What the kids today call a "Sigma" is a move in the right direction. The qualities of this archetype are precisely what protect a man from being drawn to the decadent lifestyle that captivates so many, like the one promoted by the Diddy's of the world... -Independence: A sigma man values his freedom and autonomy above group validation or social status. -Self-Sufficiency: He can achieve his goals without relying on the support or approval of others. -Avoidance of Hierarchies: Rather than competing for dominance like an alpha male, he prefers to stay outside traditional power structures. -Strong Sense of Self: Sigma men are typically confident and introspective, with a strong sense of purpose and identity. -Quiet Confidence: They may not be loud or overtly assertive, but their actions often speak louder than their words. -Minimalism in Social Interaction: While they can be social and charming when necessary, they tend to conserve their energy and only engage when it serves a specific purpose. However, the Sigma archetype is largely a rejection of the Alpha/Beta dynamic, and if you know me, I don't define myself as "anti" anything. Here's where my philosophy and the Sigma archetype diverge: --Role of Alliances vs. Autonomy: Sigma Male: This archetype values solitude and prefers operating outside social structures, often seeing alliances as unnecessary or burdensome. The sigma male is typically portrayed as a "lone wolf" who avoids deep relationships or group dynamics. My Philosophy: I emphasize the importance of building strong alliances and networks. While I promote self-reliance, I also highlight the value of relationships. I see strength not just in autonomy, but in using the identity that results from that autonomy to build and thrive within a tribe while retaining a loyalty to oneself.
New comment 9d ago
Would YOU have gone to one of Diddy's parties?
3 simple steps to stop being useless
"Life isn't designed to give you what you want. It isn't designed to give you what you need. Life is designed to give you what you deserve." - Jim Rohn The old wisdom shares, "Nothing in life is free" but most men today don't think this applies to them. Especially if it's under the guise of "doing the right thing". These greedy men think the world owes them because of some sort of righteous debt. The problem is that the greedy men want... - their wife to honor them, - their kids to look up to them, - their brothers to respect them, - their income to free them... But they refuse to do the work to become more! Brother, if you haven't achieved what you claim to be working toward, and have been at it long enough to know you aren't any closer... YOU NEED HELP. I'll offer you three easy steps toward getting that help so that you can stop waiting for the universe to give you rewards you haven't yet earned. Step 1 - Help Yourself You should be reading books, taking courses, moving your body, and strengthening your mindset every day! Investing in oneself through education and physical preparedness triggers more creativity, broadens perspective, and raises standards. No one's coming to save you. Step 2 - Get Help Find mentors who've been where you want to go and have the ability to transfer it to you through a guided path of progression. Find a group of like-minded men who can remind you where your path is. Sometimes, trying to figure out how to solve a problem is like trying to look at the back of your own head. Step 3 - Help Others When I wrote Tribalnomics, it was to take the abstract nature of relationships and create a tangible, almost mathematical system that can be studied, applied, and improved upon. Whether it's improving your own abilities through the Feynman Technique, or enjoying the ROI of investing in solid people, Tribe Matters for a reason. _________
New comment 15d ago
3 simple steps to stop being useless
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Three Roads Tribe (Free)
The Three Roads Tribe is a community where men get ongoing help from me, Master Chim, & my team to build the skills to become successful entrepreneurs
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