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Road Three: Value is happening in 11 hours
Your Tribe Will Drive You!
You want to know the secret sauce behind real success? Spoiler alert: itโ€™s not about stacking cash (though thatโ€™s cool too). The truth is, itโ€™s your people who push you to be more than youโ€™d ever be on your own. Yeah, we all think weโ€™re self-driven, but letโ€™s be honest... thereโ€™s a whole different gear you hit when someoneโ€™s counting on you. Iโ€™ve had plenty of business wins, but Iโ€™ve never been driven by dollars. If that were the case, life would be way simpler, right? But no... what gets me out of bed is knowing that my value helps others level up. Thatโ€™s the real win, and itโ€™s something money canโ€™t measure. Funny thing is, when youโ€™re responsible for more than just yourself, you start doing things you wouldnโ€™t even do for your own benefit. Suddenly, their success becomes your fuel. Their feedback, your power-up. Thatโ€™s the kind of drive you canโ€™t fake or create in isolation. So hereโ€™s the takeaway: find your tribe, the ones who challenge you and rely on you. Theyโ€™ll push you further than youโ€™d ever go soloโ€”and the rewards are deeper than anything you can cash in. Want my help? That's what THIS was designed to do.
New comment 6d ago
Your Tribe Will Drive You!
Balance is never found in one direction alone
The feedback of our wins designs the incentives of our systems. If being a winner means a big house, the means of getting it will be reflected in the choices you make. If being a winner means making a lot of money, the jobs you perform will reflect that goal. Any physical goal will produce a physical system to attain it. But what of a happy marriage? Healthy children? Positively energized days? What of those goals that elude the simple physical roadmap? Those goals require the balance found in a strong machine (mind/body), a supportive tribe, and the ability to create value congruent with one's identity. Like a tightrope walker relying on his balance pole, achieving balance isnโ€™t about finding stillness... Itโ€™s about mastering the art of continuous adjustment. True balance is a state of dynamic imbalance, where constant corrections keep you on course. In my Pressure Process coaching program, these precise corrections have saved marriages, empowered fathers, and built thriving businesses. My proven systems and formulas are the tools that many men have used to maintain their balance, becoming stronger, more resilient, and "better" men as a result. From coaching student Oscar: "Not only has he been able to basically advance my company, but he's teaching me how to be a better leader business owner, just a better father, just a better person overall." I currently have ONE opening in my 1-on-1 Pressure Process coaching program. DM me here if interested and I'll send you an application. โšกโšกโšก
Balance is never found in one direction alone
If you haven't watched this video, you're f*cking up.
I've run a martial arts tribe for over 20 years. I've seen men under the highest levels of pressure and what it's done to their commitment to and treatment of their alliances. Without the framework described in THE PARASITE KILLER, you will be running your tribe on hope and goodwill, and those tribes may grow larger, but NEVER stronger. The culture of your tribe is as strong as its lowest acceptable investment from its members. WATCH THIS VIDEO and level up the integrity of your tribe.
New comment Jun 22
If you haven't watched this video, you're f*cking up.
AI is to writing like silicon is to a rack
The short take is: Some people are into it, but most aren't. The obsession with AI-driven content creation is at an all-time high. Number one - It's inevitable. Number two - If you don't know how to connect with another human being, a robot ain't gonna do it for you. Question: Would you use AI to write a heart-felt letter to a friend? Or better yet, what would your mother think of you if she found out you told a robot to write her a letter and you signed it? Now, a simple pushback would be, "Yeah, but I don't use AI for allies", to which I'd reply... And because you're relying on AI, an ally they'll never be. === People will always choose "easier" in hopes it also means "better"... and they'll always be wrong. Connecting with people authentically takes two things: A purpose and an investment. The investment comes from the chance you take by exposing your energy to the connection. The purpose, however, comes from understanding what the value of the connection even is. === A few years back, I shared for the first time the entire system for running a tribe. It was what I used to build one of the (at the time) biggest MMA schools in the country. It's what I continue to use to guide coaching clients of all walks of life. It's what my book, Tribalnomics, was born out of. It's the foundation that my Three Roads system is built upon. The name of this system is The Loyalty Matrix and the program I used to introduce it to the world was titled "The Loyalty Matrix Decoded". I've decided to remove this program from circulation in a few days. Maybe it'll be back. Maybe it won't. Either way, if you want to get your hands on it in all its powerful glory... Engage your warp drive and follow THIS LINK to get access. Video 4 alone will have you never looking at relationships the same again.
AI is to writing like silicon is to a rack
The 4 Ways I Get Into Flow State
This list wasn't supposed to be an email, but after covering it on my mastermind group's call this morning, I think it's worth sharing. On the call, I covered how to leverage these strategies into productive creativity at some length, but the list will at least get you moving in the right direction. Flow State is referred to by many things: Being in the Zone, Being on fire, Alpha State, etc... ...But how I define it is that mental gear where your subconscious "takes the wheel" and your mind's most powerful capabilities are brought to the surface, all while being insulated from normal distractions and stray thought patterns. Most people have a positive relationship with the flow state, but few know how to activate it at will. I've had a system for years to acquire this heightened level of operation and here are the things I do to make it so... 1 - Know the outcome and reverse engineerโ€”This could be a goal or amount of work, but the clearer and more specific your desired outcome, the more certainty your brain has to relax into a flow. I name my brick sessions (found HERE) so I have a target for my efforts. 2 - Pressured Movement - Too easy and your mind will wander. Too difficult and your creativity will shut down from frustration. The moment I feel frustrated, I break the task down into even smaller components. The moment I'm bored, I raise the bar of the current target. 3 - Sync the Setting - Some work best in a minimalist, clean environment, while others find their Zen in chaos. Whichever the case, continuously invest in optimizing your environment to achieve flow. I recently had a custom office built ("The Lab") just to control my creativity's ecosystem. Prior to that, you'd rarely catch me writing without my noise-canceling headphones playing Lofi music in the background. 4 - Enter the Zone - Before I'm ready to work, I perform a "mental warm-up" so I can easily let go of what I was previously engaged in and focus on the task at hand. Ensure all necessary tools and resources are ready before you begin and you'll benefit from moving your body a bit, too. For example, I perform 100 jumps on my mini-trampoline before each coaching session.
The 4 Ways I Get Into Flow State
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