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The Power of AI for your health and fitness...
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The Power of AI for your health and fitness...
The Pursuit of Relentless Consistency
Relentless Consistency Inside The Collective (my 1on1 coaching program) we are embarking on a new mindset focus the the fourth quarter of this year. Throughout the next 3+ months, we will be focusing on 4 things and 4 things only. 1. Protein & Fiber - eating 1-1.2g of protein per lbs of goal/ideal bodyweight. Eating 20-30g of fiber per day. 2. Energy - our ideal/goal bodyweight x 13 in calories per day. 3. Steps - 7,500-12,000 steps per day 4. Resistance Training - 3 resistance training sessions per week, prioritizing keeping track of 3-5 focus exercises. Keeping a journal or taking notes on how many reps we complete of what weight, and ensuring we are adding weight or reps on each exercise each week/every time we do it. 95% of the aesthetic, performance, or longevity goals you have are going to ride on the consistent implementation and adherence of those four things. In an industry where you are rewarded for knowing more, having new ideas, and leading people down a "new path" or selling a new shiny thing, we are going back to basics. Why? Because they work. They work for me. They worked for Tiffany, Lori, Missy, Michael, Andrew, Chelsea, Mitch, Drew, Thomas, Matt, Sarah, Michelle, Susie, and countless others I have worked with over the years. They focused on these three things, and everything got better. Bloodwork. Digestion. Sleep. Workouts. Mental Clarity. Self-confidence. Clothes fitting. And more... So, my question to you is.. What do you have to do to be relentlessly consistent with what you KNOW you need to do to achieve your goal? Let me know in the comments below!
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New comment Oct '24
What Motivates You?
What wakes you up in the morning? What motivates you to work hard? Why do you show up to work every day? Why do you, or do you not, show up at the gym? Who do you wake up thinking about? Who is the reason you are doing what you’re doing? I’ll be posting a free training on motivation and how to leverage it to accomplish your goals, but first…tell me about what motivates you! Leave a comment below.
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New comment Aug '24
Q&A Call Happening Tomorrow @ 7am!
Get your questions answered tomorrow at 7am. Won't be able to join us? Leave your questions below!
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Here's what to do if you need to lose 50lb FAST!
As an expert in the fat loss space, I often get questions about how to lose fat as fast as possible. So, here is my advice to those that may be needing to lose more than 50lbs of fat WITHOUT tracking your food. Step 1: Eat .8g-1g of protein per lbs of goal bodyweight. Eating protein will make you feel full and lead to better energy overall. Step 2: Eat in a way that makes you feel satisfied and helps you control your calories your taking in. If you eat the protein on your plate FIRST, it will be more difficult to over consume the other things. Step 3: Add an additional 50% of your average steps, and get to that number as many days in a row as possible. Increase your overall, general activity is the most effective way to burn more calories without increasing your appetite too much. Step 4: Perform 1 heavy set + 1 high rep set of 1 strength training exercise per main muscle group in a workout, 2-3 x per week. Could look something like this. Leg Press: 1 set: as heavy as possible for 6-8 reps, 1 set of 12-15 reps @ roughly 75% of set 1 Machine Row: 1 set: as heavy as possible for 6-8 reps, 1 set of 12-15 reps @ roughly 75% of set 1 Machine Chest Press: 1 set: as heavy as possible for 6-8 reps, 1 set of 12-15 reps @ roughly 75% of set 1 Seated Hamstring Curl: 1 set: as heavy as possible for 6-8 reps, 1 set of 12-15 reps @ roughly 75% of set 1 Step 5: Do this consistently, for 6 months straight. Be the best husband/wife, parent, co-worker, sister, daughter, son, nephew, etc. you can be. Focus on the process, not the outcome, and watch how quickly you lose those 50lbs. Sustainable change isn't about speed, its about effort. Consistent, sustainable effort, over a long period of time. Love you all! Comment below what other tips and tricks you would like to see!
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