20(2/1) Kilohana Spec OC6 practice
  • Keep hull speed high so that getting on waves will be more effortless.
  • When attacking, still need to be deep at the catch first
  • If you're in seat 1, you gotta keep the body looking aggressive to model it for everyone behind you
I was in a spec oc6 with Ethan, Tek, Nick, Makena, Taishi, Ron. The workout was intervals. 20 sets of 2 mins on and 1 min active.
Inside the channel, it was windy but no conditions. Outside the channel, it was bumpy! There were a few waves going upwind where we dropped down and water rushed over the front. All 5 OC6s did great.
On the upwind, we focused on deep long strokes which helped to carry speed. We called a few "shorts" to burst forward. Unfortunately when we did it the first time, our shorts ended up with slapping the water so it worked against our objective. The next time, we focused on deep short stroke and grabbing first. That made a big difference.
On the downwind portion, it was important that we gained higher hull speed first to get onto waves. Then we had a few where we pushed late which caused us to fight upwards onto the wave, tiring ourselves out and resulting in missing the wave still. On the next few pieces, we adjusted to having higher hull speed first, and then calling the pushes slightly earlier to allow us to slide onto the next waves more effortlessly.
What questions do you have about upwind/downwind conditions?
Tek Li
20(2/1) Kilohana Spec OC6 practice
Tek Li Coaching
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