📝 Session 2 - Feedback & Reflection: What Did You Learn?
We just wrapped up the second session of our Soulful Selling training, and I want to give a special shoutout to and for absolutely nailing their roleplays today. 🙌 Also, a big thank you to for asking such insightful questions that got us all thinking deeper. 💡
Now, it's time to reflect and commit to what we've learned! I’d love to hear from each of you:
💥 What was your biggest takeaway from today's calls? 💡 What were your "aha!" moments?
🚀 What are the top 1, 2, or 3 things you learned, and how will you make sure to implement them in your practice?
Type your thoughts below! 📝
Writing them down will not only help you commit them to memory but also ensure that you’re taking action and applying these lessons.
And as always, if you have any questions or feedback, drop them in the comments. We’re here to help each other grow!
Let’s keep the momentum going! 🌟
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Frans Francis
📝 Session 2 - Feedback & Reflection: What Did You Learn?
Soulful Selling
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