Call me Raffa
👋 Hi, my name is Raffaele William Bruni! And you can call me Rafa ;)
I live in Rome for now, but I'm selling all my stuff and moving to Guatemala!!!
My long-term life mission is to build remind people that they can step back into a state of TRUE HEALTH.
It's simple (not easy) when broken down into:
  1. Physical Health
  2. Mental Health
  3. Spiritual Health
I want to achieve these 3 goals with the help of this community:
  1. Master the Art of Empathetic Listening
  2. Learn how to generate a flood of leads
  3. Build a strong belief that sales is helping others, and not manipulation\persuasion
The 3 gifts I bring to the community are:
  1. Authentic Networking - if I think you'd work well with XYZ person then bet on me connecting you!
  2. Passion for Ethics and Philosophy
  3. Sooooo much LOVE and support <3
Some Hobbies:
  1. Climbing!
  2. Travel (especially backpacker style)
  3. Networking - connecting with humans is aways fun and an opportunity to see what mirror that Life has set in front of you :)
Raffaele William Bruni
Call me Raffa
Soulful Selling
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