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👨‍🎓Mastering the Art of Learning
Everyone reading this has watched hundreds of hours of educational YouTube videos but remains stuck in the same situation with the same rank, without changing their behavior. This means two things: 1. They haven't truly learned. 2. They haven't applied what they’ve learned. Learning is not just about acquiring information. It's about applying that knowledge and changing your behavior in the same situation. Intelligence is the speed of learning, meaning how often do you need to face the same scenario before you adapt? If you can control your behavior, you can control how intelligent you are. So, if you want to become smarter and rank up, focus on reducing the number of times you face the same situation without changing your behavior. Every time you consume content, ask yourself: "What behavior am I going to change as a result of this?" If the answer is nothing, then you are wasting your time and pretending to learn, when in reality you're just entertaining yourself. 👨‍🎓 Here’s how you can truly learn: 1. Watch educational videos focused on your specific role and champions, from players who’ve successfully done it. This is passive learning, which helps you retain about 30% of what you see and hear. 2. Identify key takeaways and apply them directly to your gameplay. This is active learning, which allows you to retain 75% of what you’ve learned. 3. Share your new knowledge by teaching someone else what you’re doing. This helps you expand your learnings while retaining 90% of it. You now have the framework to learning. Now it's up to you to put it into action.
New comment 2d ago
👨‍🎓Mastering the Art of Learning
Where I stand in ranked
So this is where I am at spilt 2 down 3 ranks sense I joined solo q 40% winrate I think it impossible now for me to actually climb in this game even playing for 6 years I was silver 1 last year nearly gold and ever sense I have not been able to recreate that result I do take in all the advice I can mentally take and use and some have worked. So I'm giving spilt 3 a last chance to redeem myself but I don't see it going well so I thought I'd show where I stand
Where I stand in ranked
What can I do?
Currently deranged to iron 1 so games are feeling very rigged I'm winning games yes but I'm not climbing more of a stumble upwards then rolly poly down again I think I have 35 losses towards 25 wins so I really like to know what I can do to fix it or do I quit?
New comment 3d ago
Lack of motivation
Hello everyone ! ~ I wanted to ask if someone had something similar happening to them. I was in plat last season (my highest rank achieved by myself so I was quite happy). Before I was always gold and thought that it was quite fine rank for me (even though I would definitely love to be higher), but at the start of this season I tried my placements and got placed bronze IV which absolutely demotivated me to even try to climb. I stopped playing for quite some time and now since I'm back, I have no idea what lane or champion to play and I'm just switching between everything, which is not good and I also noticed that I do stupid mistakes and decisions I definitely wasn't doing before because I'm just frustrated by the rank outcome. Any friendly advice ? :]
New comment 7d ago
frustration getting the best of me
Hey guys, I'm from the brazilian server, currently I'm plat 4 😭, but I was emerald 1 and D4 last season, and I wanted to share/get feedback from all of u, I don't know what happened during the last 3 months, but I really feel like I'm playing another game, like I've either unlearned or the game changed too much, I keep getting bursted lvl 3 or 4 full life, I'm talking about 100% to 0%, besides that, the games seem like it's always a fiesta, everybody explodes too easelly and too frenquently, I feel lost and bad, and my solo q feels even worst. Does anybody feel like that in thios season or am I the only one like that?
New comment 21d ago
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