frustration getting the best of me
Hey guys, I'm from the brazilian server, currently I'm plat 4 😭, but I was emerald 1 and D4 last season, and I wanted to share/get feedback from all of u, I don't know what happened during the last 3 months, but I really feel like I'm playing another game, like I've either unlearned or the game changed too much, I keep getting bursted lvl 3 or 4 full life, I'm talking about 100% to 0%, besides that, the games seem like it's always a fiesta, everybody explodes too easelly and too frenquently, I feel lost and bad, and my solo q feels even worst. Does anybody feel like that in thios season or am I the only one like that?
Guilhermo Sanzone
frustration getting the best of me
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