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Solo Q Solution

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16 contributions to Solo Q Solution
Hey, I've been playing for a while and decided to take a break from the game. When I came back I started to carry each game easily until my rank up game had me in a full plat lobby (3 golds in total). I couldn't do much besides farming to scale but no one besides me focused the enemy carries and we lost some team fights that lead to our defeat. I wanna ask if any experienced Aphelios players know what I should do to even be able to carry or at least not die too much during the game that the enemy is better than me. since my team wont always play well.
New comment 6d ago
Hello there, fellow Aphelios main! From what I've experienced that helped me a lot punching through the shitfest thats called Emerald was pushing waves on mid or if not mid than following an 'Empty lane' rule and going where no one is in the mid game. Itemization is key for ADCs, especially aphelios. My best results were brought by kicking out collector from the build, as it is mostly a bait item or only worth using it in very specific hard stomp scenarios. I rush IE every single game and do some funny business in my runes as I think sorcery doesn't bring that much use with Absolute Focus, Gathering storm and its only for late game. I use Nimbus cloak in sorcery as it is surprisingly fast to react to ganks or engages. I opt to bone plating and unfliching or overgrowth in resolve if there is high rushdown potential in the enemy. For trade heavy lanes or passive lanes i bring triple tonic/boots/cosmic insight/biscuits as they provide some advantages in build or in summs. For Keystones, you can opt between PTA and Conq for phel as Conqueror can be surprisingly good against beefy comps or tank supports in lane. I wouldn't recommend fleet after the nerfs, though. For Itemization, you have to identify the enemies' threats, and buy accordingly. Ex. for heavy AP burst, Maw is great for phel. As for teamfights, I think the best is to let them come to you. You as an ADC don't really have to focus down anybody, just aim to survive and hit what's coming towards you. If someone from their carries mispositions, than its okay to commit for a kill, but you have to reposition afterwards. You can have a priority for pushing waves and destroying towers over participating in teamfights. You would get so much gold funneled into you vs the enemy ad who would participate in a teamfight and gets blown up anyways. With that you would split their team apart and they have to respond to your pressure somehow. Its especially effective if you are behind. I hope my little essay can be of good use to you. If you want to ask about something, then feel free to DM me here.
Lack of motivation
Hello everyone ! ~ I wanted to ask if someone had something similar happening to them. I was in plat last season (my highest rank achieved by myself so I was quite happy). Before I was always gold and thought that it was quite fine rank for me (even though I would definitely love to be higher), but at the start of this season I tried my placements and got placed bronze IV which absolutely demotivated me to even try to climb. I stopped playing for quite some time and now since I'm back, I have no idea what lane or champion to play and I'm just switching between everything, which is not good and I also noticed that I do stupid mistakes and decisions I definitely wasn't doing before because I'm just frustrated by the rank outcome. Any friendly advice ? :]
New comment 7d ago
My wild guess would be for you to find a new main role and experiment with champions and find what you enjoy. You can do this in ranked solo and just play the game for the remainder of the split. I don't think you would have much trouble finding your way out of bronze. And even better, just ignore your rank if thats what causes frustration in you. If you want to learn league, I recommend SkillCapped's YT channel full of free content. It helped me a ton in my fundamentals and macro. Hope this helps. Be well and have fun in your ranked journey!
@Moira Liddell yw
the climb is on
got back to silver after falling to bronze
New comment 3d ago
the climb is on
0 likes • 11d
5 Game Jungle Win Streak
Got a nice winstreak going with hecarim jungle (jv4 game hec got banned). I have been focusing on playing more aggressively and invading when my lanes are pushed and I feel confident about fighting the enemy jungle, and well as not taking as many losing fights.
New comment 3d ago
5 Game Jungle Win Streak
0 likes • 11d
nice one!
It's been a long time coming, and finally I can say I hit Emerald by myself. Through all the angry ADCs, through all the feeding junglers running head first into Nunu's mouth, through all the autofills that put me in ADC... I made it. And the best part is, I think I can go even farther. I wanna thank everyone here for encouraging me. I wouldnt've done it it without y'all. Unironically, a lot of my mental shift toward winning came from that very first booked initiation interview, way back when MissFortuneDaBes was advertising this. Since I did that and started thinking about things that were said, I've only gotten better. Thank you all, and maybe... just maybe, keep an eye out to see if lady luck is on my side~
New comment 16d ago
1-10 of 16
Daniel Halász-Szabó
34points to level up
Aphelios main on EUNE

Active 1d ago
Joined Aug 8, 2024
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