👨‍🎓Mastering the Art of Learning
Everyone reading this has watched hundreds of hours of educational YouTube videos but remains stuck in the same situation with the same rank, without changing their behavior. This means two things:
1. They haven't truly learned.
2. They haven't applied what they’ve learned.
Learning is not just about acquiring information. It's about applying that knowledge and changing your behavior in the same situation. Intelligence is the speed of learning, meaning how often do you need to face the same scenario before you adapt? If you can control your behavior, you can control how intelligent you are.
So, if you want to become smarter and rank up, focus on reducing the number of times you face the same situation without changing your behavior.
Every time you consume content, ask yourself: "What behavior am I going to change as a result of this?" If the answer is nothing, then you are wasting your time and pretending to learn, when in reality you're just entertaining yourself.
👨‍🎓 Here’s how you can truly learn:
1. Watch educational videos focused on your specific role and champions, from players who’ve successfully done it. This is passive learning, which helps you retain about 30% of what you see and hear.
2. Identify key takeaways and apply them directly to your gameplay. This is active learning, which allows you to retain 75% of what you’ve learned.
3. Share your new knowledge by teaching someone else what you’re doing. This helps you expand your learnings while retaining 90% of it.
You now have the framework to learning. Now it's up to you to put it into action.
William Lejre
👨‍🎓Mastering the Art of Learning
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