Dr. Herbert Shelton
I was astonished and thrilled to see a quote from Dr. Herbert Shelton in your Classroom presentation on minerals, Fran! I admire and congratulate you for studying Dr. Shelton. I have several of his books in my library (and have read them). I also subscribed to Dr. Shelton's Hygienic Review for several years and still have those issues in storage. Years ago I did a 10-day water fast at a spa outside San Antonio, Texas, owned by Dr. Shelton's daughter, Dr. Tosca Haag and her husband Greg.We became friends.I will say that nothing I have heard you say so far in the Classroom is inconsistent with Dr. Shelton's teachings, as I understand them.
BTW one of Dr. Shelton's witticisms is relevant to the point you made about the essential aspect of minerals occurring in plant life, not as chemical isolates. He was mentioning a tropical bird of some kind that was known to favor foods containing potassium. "The bird does not eat potassium, of course," Dr. Shelton wrote. "It eats the banana."
Craig Lambert
Dr. Herbert Shelton
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