Week 3 Lessons & Big Wins
Hey ya'll! Currently on Week 3/Phase 3 in the course, and so far - I’ve had 5 1:1s with Coach Dylan, and 1 mock call down! Thank you Blake! :D I’ve been fine tuning my own skills in Setting, including rapport building, mastering the frame and getting familiar with Discovery!
In the Coursework for this Phase, I reviewed Warm Calling. Here are some of my notes:
Warm Calling includes both: Inbound and Outbound
  • Outbound: Reaching out to a lead who has opted into a sales funnel
  • Inbound: Reaching out to a lead who has opeted into a sales funnel and has booked time on your calendar.
  • Goal: Qualify them and gain the most amount of info, in 3-5 min.
During the call, we are focused on:
  • Their Goals
  • Their Current Situation
  • Why they haven’t been able to achieve their goal on their own, yet  (why they need us).
Setters vs. Closers
  • Setters gather information. If a client continues to ask on price, give them a range. Describe that there are lots of offers available with a variety of prices. That is what the next call is for, to break things down and make sure we get you what you need. Do not present information.
  • Closers provide information
Looking forward to some more practice! If anyone is looking to do some mock calls, would love to connect!
Tawny Noelle
Week 3 Lessons & Big Wins
Sales Alliance Academy Premium
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