Outreach Insider - B2B Companies (specifically in medical/saas space)
Hiring: Closer
Company cash collected last 30 days (NOT MRR): 20-30k // have had bigger months 40-50k+
Price point: 2-3k / 5k offer/ also have exclusive 10k offer
Experienced required for this role? B2B experience with boomer niches (experience talking to people 40+ years old preferably)
Owner is handling all the sales by himself and isn’t a huge fan of sales calls and is already quite busy and can get the calendar packed but just looking for the right person to work with.
Comp structure: 15%/closed deal
3k-5k first month on the low end - obviously once deals are closed can scale campaigns and getting booked calls isn’t an issue.
Nice to have exp: Closed for a lead gen offer before
Who shouldn't inquire for this role: if you’re a lazy closer and not willing to follow up off calls and aren’t willing to put in the work. Tons of opportunities here.