Looking for Help Setting Up Automated Text Messaging Campaign
I’m currently looking to set up an automated text messaging campaign to follow up with leads generated from Facebook leads and commercial leads tied to our radio and TV shows. The goal is to have the campaign trigger once a lead engages by downloading or requesting our lead magnet.
The text messaging campaign would:
1. Thank the lead for engaging with our content.
2. Ask a series of follow-up questions.
3. Offer an appointment based on their responses.
4. Send a scheduling link to the appropriate advisor at my office, determined by the asset size of the individual.
I’m currently using Redtail CRM, ActiveCampaign, and Levitate, but I’m not sure if I need to integrate additional tools like Twilio or WooSender to make this work.
Does anyone have recommendations for someone who can help me set up this campaign or suggestions on the best tech stack for this process?
Brian Quaranta
Looking for Help Setting Up Automated Text Messaging Campaign
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