Welcome to the Release Your F*cks Society
Welcome to *Release Your F*cks, a free community on Skool for a 90 Day Meditation Challenge to get you started on your meditation journey! You can start at any time.
Prepare by:
  • Two rules - be nice and have fun ❤️
And whenever you're stuck, remember the quote:
"Bring your awareness and attention to your big toe……now bring your awareness to your nips…………there you go you just meditated." - Yogi B
P.S. What are you most excited for on your journey? Let me know in the comments 💥
Little bit about me. I started my yoga and meditation journey on accident back in 2016 when I created an instagram account to make fun of yoga. I started teaching yoga in 2017. In 2019 I challenged myself to 90 days of meditation. I hated meditation for 76 days but day 77 it was an awakening for me. I realized meditation was a superpower and I haven't stopped since. I've recorded over 200+ meditations and taught over 100+ meditation teachers.
Throughout my journey, I completed several NLP trainings, launched a podcast with over 5 million downloads ("Relax with Yogi Bryan Meditations"), developed the app "Sleep with Yogi Bryan," and travel the world doing workshops and meditation retreats.
My goal is to help the world release 100 billion f*cks.
Now go introduce yourself in a new post so the community can get to know you. Don't be shy!
For your intro, try using this template:
Where are you based?
Where are you on your journey?
Which types of practices do you do? (Yoga, meditation, etc)
Bryan Holub
Welcome to the Release Your F*cks Society
Release Your F*cks Society
90 Day FREE Meditation Challenge to Release Your F*cks. Start at anytime. Invite your friends. Rules: Have fun and be nice!
Leaderboard (30-day)
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