Day 68 You are Enough Survey Check-In
Has this meditation journey, challenge and whatever other amazing things you are doing make you feel enough on most days, or maybe just today? I know life is impermanent, and things wax/wane, ebb, flow, as is occurring today with the eclipse--both literally and spiritually, but where are y'all at on this journey, if you feel like sharing? No pressure to share, of course. I also haven't encapsulated how y'all really feel, I'm sure, so feel free to put in your own measurement below, if you want.
The last one is a serious one, so, of course, don't click on that one if you don't want to, but if you feel that way, please reach out to the community, if you feel inclined to do so, or please call 988, if needed, or you support circle, or whomever will embrace you with love and help you through this rough, not enough time. Believe me, I've been there often and it's a sucky space, place to be. I might not be here if not for medication and my sisters, brothers, friends, children.
A supportive community who won't judge is so important.
Me: I'm about in the middle, moving to the third to the top level. I used to be at the very bottom most days. I'm getting there and I feel that's in large part due to the EMDR work I'm doing, the journaling, walking, meditating work, and the love of the people in my life, including all of you! Thank you so much! Truly am so full of gratitude for the support and compassion I receive from each of you. I hope you feel it from me, too!
To feel enough can be hard fucking work, but we're all in this together and we all do better when we all do better. 💗
Love to you all!
xoxo Jillybean
Yes, mainly feeling fucking more than enough from nips to butt cheeks
Yes, often feeling more than enough from nips to butt cheeks, but a few not enough days creep the fuck in, too; healing a lot, little work to do
Yes, I have some days I feel enough sometimes from my nips, sometimes to my butt cheeks, but not enough days ruin the fucking day; still working on this
So/So: About half the days I feel, "Yeah, I'm fuckin' enough," and my nips or butt cheeks feel it, too, and then other days, "My bitch ass enters and says, 'No. You're not, fucker.' " Gawd. Damn. It. Healing takes fucking time and work.
Uhm, I'm gonna have to say I'm not feeling enough most fucking days, but I will keep meditating and doing all of my healing work because I believe my authentic self believes it but just bought the bullshit from others. My nips and butt cheeks need to feel alive!
Not feeling enough. Nope. (If this is you, please reach out to us, and or 988. Not kidding.)
17 votes
Jill Hildebrandt
Day 68 You are Enough Survey Check-In
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