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New Platform | New Benefits For You!
What's up future studio CEOs! Want to make a quick announcement that starting 7.1, this community will be moving to a new platform. This is not going to cost a penny for you, but it's going to bring a WAY better experience for you as a Scale Your Studio member. Skool is a cool tool and all (yeah I just did that), but it's really limited in terms of features and functions that help us make this community as valuable as possible for you. So we are going to be moving over to a platform called Kajabi. Kajabi has been around for a long time, and has so many extra built in functions that will allow us to make the experience even more fun for you guys. Things like: - Live challenges, with their own feeds, leaderboards, prizes, etc (First community challenge comin 8.1 *hint hint*) - Customizable leaderboards based on more than just comments - Interactive courses that allow you to ask questions and engage with us and your peers INSIDE the course material itself - Segmented chatrooms more akin to discord. This way we can make it easier to find information you're interested in - SO MUCH MORE PLANNED So, all you have to do is click the link below, and sign up with the same name and email you signed up for this account with and we'll get you squared away with a SYS membership. This Skool community will remain active until 7.1, so if you run into any difficulty, shoot me a message here and I'll help you out. July is going to be an exciting month and we're excited to grow with you guys. See you on Kajabi!
New comment 22d ago
New Platform | New Benefits For You!
New Podcast!!
Bing Bang Boom! Y’all take 28 minutes out of your day and listen to this fire Michael Gustin and I just dropped. I’m so excited for what we’ve got planned at Reality Hacker Studios. When you’re setting out to pursue a dream, the majority of the battle is won in the mind. You have to believe now only that it’s possible, but that YOU’RE the person for the job. Overcoming that limiting self belief is the number one hurdle that opens up a world of possibilities. Helping Indie Devs overcome that hurdle is our mission, and I’m super proud of the first entry into sharing that message on our podcast.
New comment 26d ago
Feedback Friday!
What are y’all working on??? Starting a new weekly roundtable today to share what you’ve got cooking. Whether it’s a work in progress, new release, stick figure drawing on a napkin, let’s chat about what kind of progress we’re making and help each other get where we wanna go! Here’s one of the first visuals of the combat phase coming in the mega update for our game Codebreaker Crush. Been in a wild journey turning this little Candycrush Clone prefab into something we’re really excited to share.
New comment 28d ago
Feedback Friday!
Unpopular Game Mechanics You Secretly Love?
Do you have a "guilty pleasure" game mechanic? Something that we constantly see people hate on or we see massive negative sentiment towards, but you secretly love games that do it? Personally, I freaking love a live service game. Maybe it's the decade of Destiny that has just conditioned me to be okay with a constantly changing game, but I always have interest in a subscription game that has constant evolution. Sure sometimes the devs go in a direction that I don't like, but they can also go in a direction that I would have never predicted that's freaking awesome. What about y'all?
New comment 29d ago
Unpopular Game Mechanics You Secretly Love?
Free Resources For Your Studio!
What's up squad! Mike and I are working hard to get this community filled with content that you guys can use to start building your studio with confidence and excitement! We have a bunch of worksheets and mini guides on the way that will be free to download for all of you. Check under the Classroom tab and find the option for Free Resources. This will be the place to go for a whole bunch of cool exercises and tools that will help you take charge of the business side of your studio. As we make more guides, this section will be updated and constantly growing. So be sure to keep your eyes out for updates from Mike and I! Finally, we want this group to be incredibly collaborative, and we want to make sure you get insane value out of the time you spend here. So if you have any feedback on the content, or if you want any help applying it, feel free to reach out to either one of us! I appreciate you guys!
New comment 30d ago
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Reality Hacker Game Studios
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