I’m wondering whats your thoughts on it, if you don't have a level ten opportunity? I noticed a lot of successful two-comma clubs do have quite main stream topics like marriages, personality development for men, addiction, etc. with mass appeal and a huge perceived problem.
My market is quite niche. I estimate my total available market are around 100.000 people maximum (the industry leader on YouTube is around 60k). It’s music production in a niche genre (Psychedelic Trance), and this could be expanded into other genres but each would require a fresh start & program. Its a bit like if you are an English teacher to teach another language you can reuse concepts but it would require a new course.
I do believe that a small percentage, of those people is actually willing to pay a premium package > $1000 (people who have enough pain as e.g they want to do it professionally, the rest is more a gain and probably not spend more than a few hundreds). But then I would potentially need to reach and serve everyone in the market to make it to two comma club.i do run the business sustainable for the last three years but not turning enough promise to e.g scale into new genres.
The topic became my lifeblood over the years. And I would really love to pursuit this path but I’m starting to doubt if I chose an uphill battle because of the market itself.
Thanks for the advice ;)