Welcome NEW Plant Positive Members!
It warms my heart to see this little group grow!
As we gear up for the 30 Day Plant Positive Jumpstart on the 1st JUNE I've been thinking:
"What would be the most powerful single habit I could implement over 30 Days?"
I encourage YOU to ask yourself the same thing?
What is The Thing, that if you had it locked and loaded as a non-negotiable habit and sustainable part of your life - it would be so valuable you know you would be driven to continue with that habit and the results it would bring?
I list a few suggestions HERE, however this is what I'm thinking personally.
I'm a fan of "temptation bundling" (credit to Kathy Milkman) where you take an easy habit (listening to a great podcast) and you bundle it with a new habit that has been tougher to stick with (like a daily walk or workout).
HOWEVER, I want to Turbo-Charge-Temptation-Bundling!
The plan? I have a least productive hour of the day. It's from 4-5pm. By then I've been up 12 hours and I'm getting tired... it's too early for dinner however I start to think, "a snack or a drink might be nice!" This is the time when I might fluff around on social media or generally just waste time.
Let's call it the loitering hour.
I want to turn the loitering hour into an hour of power. I'm going to head across to the river near my house and take a 30 minute walk. That's the easy part - the habit that's a joy to keep. I will then follow it with the habit, I want to form.
Journaling: just writing for clarity of thought. 10 minutes.
Brainstorming: current obstacles and opportunities. 10 minutes.
Strategising: my next best steps to take. 10 minutes.
The powerful thing here is I'm taking a part of my day that is currently disappointing, UN-fun and often spirals into low value actions / habits and turning it into a time that is both enjoyable AND effective.
An hour might sound like A LOT of time, however I'm stealing it from wasted time so it feels very manageable. You could start with as little as 5 minutes...
"What is the most powerful single habit YOU could implement over 30 Days?"
Kate Galli
Welcome NEW Plant Positive Members!
Plant Positive
A supportive space for vegans and the plant-curious.
Sculpt the mindset that makes prioritising your health simple, sustainable and fun.
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