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How to go from chit-chat → business talk
This is something I used to struggle with. But after 100s of conversations I figured it out. To open conversations and transition to business talk: 1. Start with an observation/joke/compliment ↳ Ie. I've heard that Texas feels like a desert lately 2. Ask a light question about their business ↳ Ie. Noticed you use CK for your newsletter. Ever tried AC? 3. Use a transition question related to your service ↳ Ie. Do you get most subs from LinkedIn or somewhere else? Between each question I wait for a reply. @Tim Keen how do you go about things?
New comment 23m ago
Welcome to Modern Agency Sales
I'm excited you're here! The best way to start is to contribute right away. Check out the different channels on the top. You can post LinkedIn content for feedback or engagement, give feedback and engagement to others, add to the swipe file, or add to the group roadmap. 👉 Introduce yourself here. Then go and check out the other sections and add something :)
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New comment 5h ago
Welcome + Thanks for your patience!
Hello everyone! Thanks for your patience as we set up this community. It was a bit of manual work copying content over from another LMS. I have uploaded the core course content and am about to upload the bonuses, but figured I'd get you in here first. Introduce yourself on this post - would love to hear 1. who you are 2. where in the world you are 3. what your biggest sales challenge is Thanks!
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New comment 7h ago
DM's - Transitioning to business talk to book a call
After you DM someone to break the ice (and they respond).... trying to transition into business talk and to eventually book a call. My idea is to send this either immediately after they respond to ice breaker - or waiting 1-2 days (tips/suggestions?) @Tim Keen How does this sound or feel to you? I tried to use your question at the end from the course. = <genuine compliment about their business> Quick question—how’s your XXX performing? Asking because I work with xxx to increase their revenue and profitability using [unique mechanism] Up for a conversation to discuss growth?
New comment 24h ago
Real deep post about writing on LinkedIn
@Tim Keen this was a very interesting and deep post you just made. I guess that’s the million dollar question. How to write specifically for the people that you are targeting instead of writing for other marketers. I know for me personally this is something something I’m really putting an emphasis on
New comment 8d ago
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