Day 6 - Late Night Mental Load Recognition
  • Yesterday Gaby reminded me of starting to prepare the lunch. I had completely forgot about that because I had overslept and lost track of time, and it was already past lunch-hour when she reminded me. I can implement some method (some alarm or something) so that Gaby doesn't have to worry about when we're going to start cooking/prepare the meal.
  • Lately, Gaby has been very busy with her job. In fact, she's been working overtime. Because of this, I've been dealing with most of the domestic labor (and frankly not being quite good at it). Most of her current mental load is dedicated to this. And I keep thinking how, despite both of us having the same job and having started with similar experince (i.e. none), she has progressed better in it, and has been earned more money than me, which then uses to buy home appliances. So I feel I need to acknowledge all of the mental load she's carrying because of her job, because I deffinitely don't carry the same ammount from my side.
  • Gaby always plans ahead for the month. She's been doing this unprompted. She's been annotating information that's relevant for both of us. I should participate more.
  • Gaby always takes care of our cat's health, and when she needs to go to the veterinarian.
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Eduardo Martínez
Day 6 - Late Night Mental Load Recognition
Mental Load Basics
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