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Mental Load Basics

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13 contributions to Mental Load Basics
Day 10
• Today Gaby had to remind me to pay Netflix to my own father, something I always forget to do. • She also had to remind me to buy our groceries online, because I had been delaying it. • When I proposed to go buy our cat's food, she told me to only buy two cans, because she's planning to try a new brand. She's bearing the mental load of checking what kind of food Kami needs. • Gaby bears the mental load of checking the condition of our shower: does it have fungi? Is the drain clogged?
New comment 6d ago
Day 8 - Furniture, fun and family
• A point I forgot for yesterday: on Friday I had to dismount a piece of furniture and put it back on. When I did, Gaby noticed it was wobbly. That was because of some piece of one of the legs had dislodged and I didn't notice. Gaby bears the mental load of checking when things are in good state; and I need to pay more attention when doing this kind of stuff. • Almost always Gaby is in charge of planning our dates. As in more than 90% of the times. She has asked me in the past to think about having new ideas for dates, and I've yet to think in something. • Yesterday Gaby reminded me again of buying a late gift for my mother. • Gaby bears the mental load of taking care of our health, checking what healthy ingredients to include in our meals.
New comment 6d ago
Day 7 - Sleeeping hygiene, finances and catfood
• Yesterday we stayed awake way past our regular sleep time, both of us hyperfocused in our own activities. Despite she being the one with burnout, she was the one that asked me about what time it was, despite the fact that I already knew we were past our sleeping hour. This isn't the first time something like this happens. I must pay more attention to our sleeping schedule and respect it more. • Also Yesterday Gaby had burnout from work. There was an item of hers on the bed when we were going to sleep. She asked me to put it back in its place for her, bit I didn't knew where that was. It made me realize that she's the one keeping tabs on the place for everything around the house, as well as designating new places for stuff without place. • Today in the morning I asked Gaby if she wanted a cup of frappe. I've been buying some for her every two days. Once again she told me to take care of our finances, because I haven't been taking care of them. • Gaby has been the one in charge of keeping track how much catfood we have for Kami (our cat).
New comment 6d ago
Day 7 - Sh*t hit the fan / clutter around the house
Today was a mental load explosion. I came home from an event around 1pm and we were going to have lunch and then go together as a family somewhere. She exploded about tasks like cooking and cleaning up. Her was her mental load: - Misplaced items around the house "just put wherever" - Things not put away constantly leaking mental load thoughout the week. - Things like 2 plastic bottles I was saving for future use regularly just trash sitting there when she was in the area - Our hallway with our daughter's outgrown clothes needing to be dealt with, seen everyday Idk, I'm destroyed from the way she communicated these things today. It wasn't yelling, but it was a whole lot of ick, negativity, and frustration aimed at me as I walked in the door.
New comment 6d ago
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Hi Joshua. Your 3rd point rings some bells for me. If I may give some advice, designate a place for that kind of stuff and communicate it with your wife. Choose a place that isn't open to view for everyone, and that doesn't intervene with your daily routines. If you have some spare container, that would be optimal.
Day 6 - Late Night Mental Load Recognition
- Yesterday Gaby reminded me of starting to prepare the lunch. I had completely forgot about that because I had overslept and lost track of time, and it was already past lunch-hour when she reminded me. I can implement some method (some alarm or something) so that Gaby doesn't have to worry about when we're going to start cooking/prepare the meal. - Lately, Gaby has been very busy with her job. In fact, she's been working overtime. Because of this, I've been dealing with most of the domestic labor (and frankly not being quite good at it). Most of her current mental load is dedicated to this. And I keep thinking how, despite both of us having the same job and having started with similar experince (i.e. none), she has progressed better in it, and has been earned more money than me, which then uses to buy home appliances. So I feel I need to acknowledge all of the mental load she's carrying because of her job, because I deffinitely don't carry the same ammount from my side. - Gaby always plans ahead for the month. She's been doing this unprompted. She's been annotating information that's relevant for both of us. I should participate more. - Gaby always takes care of our cat's health, and when she needs to go to the veterinarian.
New comment 6d ago
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Eduardo Martínez
2points to level up
31 year old Mexican. ADHD. 2 years living with my partner.

Active 5d ago
Joined Aug 27, 2024
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