Day 7 - Sh*t hit the fan / clutter around the house
Today was a mental load explosion. I came home from an event around 1pm and we were going to have lunch and then go together as a family somewhere. She exploded about tasks like cooking and cleaning up. Her was her mental load:
  • Misplaced items around the house "just put wherever"
  • Things not put away constantly leaking mental load thoughout the week.
  • Things like 2 plastic bottles I was saving for future use regularly just trash sitting there when she was in the area
  • Our hallway with our daughter's outgrown clothes needing to be dealt with, seen everyday
Idk, I'm destroyed from the way she communicated these things today. It wasn't yelling, but it was a whole lot of ick, negativity, and frustration aimed at me as I walked in the door.
Joshua Nelson
Day 7 - Sh*t hit the fan / clutter around the house
Mental Load Basics
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