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Uncovering Hidden Conversions: A Surprising Google Ads Discovery 🔍📈
Recently, I encountered a challenge while working with a client in the educational sector. Their campaigns were struggling to achieve enough sales to provide Google Ads algorithms with the statistically relevant data needed for optimization. To address this issue, they had been tracking visits to the cart page as conversions. However, upon closer examination, we realized that this metric didn't always correlate with actual sales. Some products were attracting a high number of cart visits but generating little to no revenue. 🛒❌ This discovery led us to dig deeper into the client's conversion data, and what we found was truly eye-opening. It turned out that direct visits to the website were generating four times more sales than Google Ads. These sales were undoubtedly being influenced by the Google Ads campaigns, but since the learners' bosses were the ones actually booking the courses, it was impossible to directly link the sales to specific ad campaigns. 🔗 Armed with this knowledge, our current focus is on enhancing the client's conversion tracking and uploading sales data directly to Google Ads. By providing the algorithm with more accurate and comprehensive data, we can help it better understand the common characteristics of our customers and optimize our campaigns accordingly. 🎯 The key takeaway from this experience is that proper conversion tracking is essential for uncovering hidden conversion paths and dramatically improving ad performance. Without it, we're essentially flying blind, making decisions based on incomplete or misleading data. 🚀 I'm curious to know if any of you have encountered similar tracking challenges in your own entrepreneurial journeys. How did you overcome these obstacles, and what lessons did you learn along the way? Share your experiences and insights in the comments below – let's learn from one another and grow together! 💬 #GoogleAds #ConversionTracking #EntrepreneurTips #Overview of Digital Marketing Channels
How can I reach dance studios more effectively?
I feel so stuck with my business. I want to make the world dance and I am starting by helping dance studios to get more members. I read Hormozi’s strategy on how he helped gyms to get more members and I was following it. But it doesn’t seem to work. Can you help me to find out what to do next or if my business model will even work? What I do: - I am helping dance studios in german-speaking countries to get new members using Facebook ads - I run their Facebook ads, set them up, create the creatives and manage the ads every month (100% Done4You) - Customers pay a set-up fee, ads management fee, and the ad cost - Customers spend about €12-15 per lead in ad spent (customer lifetime value around €1.000) - Customer now needs to contact those leads to get them to come in for a free dance lesson My efforts to get customers so far: - My offer is a no-brainer because it’s cost-effective for dance studios and from only 1 new customer, they have returned their investment in my service - I have cold called 150 dance studios and got 8 customers - Only 2 customers want to stay with me. - It took me 1 year to call those 150 customers - I sent 200 emails. Almost no replies - I contacted dance school associations. Most didn’t come back, some said that they get so many of these offers and most of the time it’s subscription trap offers The problem: - How can I reach dance studios more effectively? - I have almost no competition, but the dance studios don’t seem to see the value. How can I make them signup with me? - How can I run ads to them? There are 5,000 dance studios in Germany, it’s not a lot so I don’t think I can target them on Facebook - Is this business model even going to work? Originally, I wanted to be an Ads Agency for dance studios, but now I need to become a sales person to get dance studios to understand the value. Is there a different business model you would suggest to me?
New comment Jun 30
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New comment Jun 20
Is anyone familiar with funneling
I am looking at driving traffic to a landing page from ads on FB. Do I need clickfunnels or are there other services that can give me that landing page connection, funnel like system? Thought is Ad on FB, lead clicks gets sent to landing page for joining paid community which automatically enrolls them. I would like to have abandoned cart feature or email capture feature first so maybe a funnel is needed vs a landing page. Thoughts?
New comment Jun 3
How to sell my product when Facebook Ads are too expensive?
Hey there Wilhelm, can you consult me on how to solve my marketing problem?? I have a product that WORKS but I can't afford the ads.😭 Here's my situation: - I'm selling a digital life planner for €9 - My conversion rate is 5% (I use Shopify) - My CPA (cost to acquire a new customer) is around €7 on Facebook & Insta - There's no margin especially after transaction costs and refunds - I have A/B tested a €5 price point --> Conversion rate went to 9%! Does this mean that people love my product but I have to promote it using organic traffic? If so, what's the best use of my time? Which channel should I focus on?
New comment May 30
How to sell my product when Facebook Ads are too expensive?
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