How can I reach dance studios more effectively?
I feel so stuck with my business. I want to make the world dance and I am starting by helping dance studios to get more members. I read Hormozi’s strategy on how he helped gyms to get more members and I was following it. But it doesn’t seem to work. Can you help me to find out what to do next or if my business model will even work?
What I do:
- I am helping dance studios in german-speaking countries to get new members using Facebook ads
- I run their Facebook ads, set them up, create the creatives and manage the ads every month (100% Done4You)
- Customers pay a set-up fee, ads management fee, and the ad cost
- Customers spend about €12-15 per lead in ad spent (customer lifetime value around €1.000)
- Customer now needs to contact those leads to get them to come in for a free dance lesson
My efforts to get customers so far:
- My offer is a no-brainer because it’s cost-effective for dance studios and from only 1 new customer, they have returned their investment in my service
- I have cold called 150 dance studios and got 8 customers
- Only 2 customers want to stay with me.
- It took me 1 year to call those 150 customers
- I sent 200 emails. Almost no replies
- I contacted dance school associations. Most didn’t come back, some said that they get so many of these offers and most of the time it’s subscription trap offers
The problem:
- How can I reach dance studios more effectively?
- I have almost no competition, but the dance studios don’t seem to see the value. How can I make them signup with me?
- How can I run ads to them? There are 5,000 dance studios in Germany, it’s not a lot so I don’t think I can target them on Facebook
- Is this business model even going to work? Originally, I wanted to be an Ads Agency for dance studios, but now I need to become a sales person to get dance studios to understand the value. Is there a different business model you would suggest to me?
Andrea Leick
How can I reach dance studios more effectively?
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