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14 contributions to Masterful Formula for Startups
8 Key Insights on the Future of AI from Expert Daniel Duma
I recently listened to a fascinating podcast with AI expert Daniel Duma that provided eye-opening insights about how artificial intelligence is transforming the business landscape. Here are the 8 key takeaways every entrepreneur and business leader should know: 1. 🚀 AI is advancing at breakneck speed and revolutionizing industries. Staying on top of AI developments is increasingly challenging but crucial. 2. 🤝 AI tools currently supercharge human productivity. But as AI evolves, it may replace more and more human labor. 3. ⌨️ Prompt engineering skills for AI systems will likely be automated soon, so it's not a valuable long-term skill to learn. 4. 💻 AI will dramatically accelerate software development and lower costs, reducing barriers to entry for new tech businesses. 5. 🤝 In-person human interaction is still essential for building trust in business relationships. AI can't replicate this human touch. 6. 🎓 Our educational system must adapt to prioritize skills like creativity and emotional intelligence that will differentiate humans from AI. 7. ❌ Companies should maintain an "impossibility list" of what AI can't currently do in their space and review it often to forecast industry disruptions. 8. 🔬 Hands-on experimentation with modern AI tools is a must for entrepreneurs to understand the tech's potential and limits. 9. The bottom line? AI is staggeringly powerful and evolving rapidly, but it's not replacing humans entirely - yet. Savvy business leaders must keep a pulse on AI developments to stay ahead of the curve. Do you agree with Daniel's take? How are you staying on top of AI's evolution? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Business #Entrepreneurship #Technology #Innovation
8 Key Insights on the Future of AI from Expert Daniel Duma
Uncovering Hidden Conversions: A Surprising Google Ads Discovery 🔍📈
Recently, I encountered a challenge while working with a client in the educational sector. Their campaigns were struggling to achieve enough sales to provide Google Ads algorithms with the statistically relevant data needed for optimization. To address this issue, they had been tracking visits to the cart page as conversions. However, upon closer examination, we realized that this metric didn't always correlate with actual sales. Some products were attracting a high number of cart visits but generating little to no revenue. 🛒❌ This discovery led us to dig deeper into the client's conversion data, and what we found was truly eye-opening. It turned out that direct visits to the website were generating four times more sales than Google Ads. These sales were undoubtedly being influenced by the Google Ads campaigns, but since the learners' bosses were the ones actually booking the courses, it was impossible to directly link the sales to specific ad campaigns. 🔗 Armed with this knowledge, our current focus is on enhancing the client's conversion tracking and uploading sales data directly to Google Ads. By providing the algorithm with more accurate and comprehensive data, we can help it better understand the common characteristics of our customers and optimize our campaigns accordingly. 🎯 The key takeaway from this experience is that proper conversion tracking is essential for uncovering hidden conversion paths and dramatically improving ad performance. Without it, we're essentially flying blind, making decisions based on incomplete or misleading data. 🚀 I'm curious to know if any of you have encountered similar tracking challenges in your own entrepreneurial journeys. How did you overcome these obstacles, and what lessons did you learn along the way? Share your experiences and insights in the comments below – let's learn from one another and grow together! 💬 #GoogleAds #ConversionTracking #EntrepreneurTips #Overview of Digital Marketing Channels
How can I reach dance studios more effectively?
I feel so stuck with my business. I want to make the world dance and I am starting by helping dance studios to get more members. I read Hormozi’s strategy on how he helped gyms to get more members and I was following it. But it doesn’t seem to work. Can you help me to find out what to do next or if my business model will even work? What I do: - I am helping dance studios in german-speaking countries to get new members using Facebook ads - I run their Facebook ads, set them up, create the creatives and manage the ads every month (100% Done4You) - Customers pay a set-up fee, ads management fee, and the ad cost - Customers spend about €12-15 per lead in ad spent (customer lifetime value around €1.000) - Customer now needs to contact those leads to get them to come in for a free dance lesson My efforts to get customers so far: - My offer is a no-brainer because it’s cost-effective for dance studios and from only 1 new customer, they have returned their investment in my service - I have cold called 150 dance studios and got 8 customers - Only 2 customers want to stay with me. - It took me 1 year to call those 150 customers - I sent 200 emails. Almost no replies - I contacted dance school associations. Most didn’t come back, some said that they get so many of these offers and most of the time it’s subscription trap offers The problem: - How can I reach dance studios more effectively? - I have almost no competition, but the dance studios don’t seem to see the value. How can I make them signup with me? - How can I run ads to them? There are 5,000 dance studios in Germany, it’s not a lot so I don’t think I can target them on Facebook - Is this business model even going to work? Originally, I wanted to be an Ads Agency for dance studios, but now I need to become a sales person to get dance studios to understand the value. Is there a different business model you would suggest to me?
New comment Jun 30
1 like • Jun 26
Hello Andrea, I like your vision of "I want to make the world dance". The issue is that your target audience does not appreciate and understand the value you are providing. Also, your target audience does not trust you yet. Even if you are offering them an amazing return on investment, in their eyes it is just a promise. They have already heard many bold promises from other marketers. It seems to be, you need to focus on building trust with your target audience. Here are a few ideas: - Build a social media presence or a YouTube channel to educate your target audience on marketing and other relevant topics. This can help them better understand marketing and build trust in your abilities. - Offering an offer without risks for them, for example, they only need to pay you for the contact or members you provide them. If you limit that for a month and they see that it works, maybe they will want to continue working with you on different conditions. - Are there events or conventions where you could meet your target audience in person, like dance school conventions? If you meet them several times, you can establish a different relationship. - Are there magazines, influencers, or newsletters that specifically target dance schools? Advertising through these channels can be more effective, as it reduces scatter loss compared to Meta and Google Ads. Repeated exposure can also enhance your authority. I hope my ideas have inspired you. How can you increase trust with your target audience? Can you get recommendations? Are there ways to boost your authority through certifications or memberships in organizations? The entry to this market is challenging, but once you establish a foothold, growth becomes easier. The market is small, so if you become the go-to person for marketing and earn recommendations, success will follow more readily.
Share Your Marketing Challenges With Us
Welcome to our community! Introduce yourself and share one marketing challenge you're facing. Let's brainstorm solutions together!
New comment Jun 20
0 likes • Jun 19
@Rohit Unni So your company is offering IT services right? Does your company has a particular target audience? What are the reasons to hire your company?
0 likes • Jun 20
@Rohit Shrivastava There is no one-size-fits-all solution for every business. It's about finding an individual solution for your specific situation. Generally, it's recommended not to spread yourself too thin across many marketing channels. Instead, focus on one channel and excel at it. Establish a relationship with your target audience by providing as much value as possible.
Tackle Major Marketing Challenges Before Minor Tweaks
I've seen it over and over with my clients: they try to optimize their marketing by improving small things like ad copy, call-to-action buttons, and so on. While these tweaks make sense if the big things are already in place, many startups often lack in the main areas. You can focus on minor improvements that will boost your marketing by a couple of percent, or you can tackle the biggest issues for a significant impact. Some of the Big Things to Consider: - Is your initial offer appealing to the target audience? - Is it easy to take advantage of your offer, or is the contact form asking for too many things and not user-friendly? - Are you requiring too big of an investment from the first contact with the target audience, or do you need to establish trust first and then present your main offer? For more detailed instructions on how to elevate your marketing to the next level, check out this resource: Detailed Marketing Instructions
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Wilhelm Laubach
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Entrepreneur and marketer. Check out my podcast for entrepreneurs:

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Joined May 27, 2024
Sofia, Bulgaria
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