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Inductive Bible Study is happening in 39 hours
Welcome to the BEST Community for Kingdom Leaders (Read me first)
Welcome to our community of Kingdom leaders! We're thrilled to have you here as part of a dynamic group of believers called to establish heavenly solutions in the earth. This is a training ground for the modern-day Elijah’s, David’s, Deborah’s, and Esther’s—those who know they’ve been called for such a time as this. In this community, you’ll find resources, mentorship, connection, collaboration, and the support needed to step fully into your God-given purpose. We’re here to help you gain the clarity, confidence, and conviction to fulfill your mission with passion, power, and purpose. Explore our discussions, engage and collaborate with fellow members, and dive into the content designed to equip you for the unique assignment God has placed on your life. We believe in you, and we’re excited to see the impact you’ll make. How does Skool work? For every comment or post, you get points. Points move you through the levels. Moving through the levels unlocks different goodies. We'll be adding more goodies as we grow. Soooo...Take a moment to introduce yourself. I'd love to learn more about you and the community would too (not to mention, it earns you points which will advance you to Level 2 so you can post!). We're so grateful God has led you here. Welcome to the movement!
New comment 3d ago
New to the community?
Welcome to Kingdom Culture Revolution! Just joining the community? Leave a simple comment to introduce yourself below, and then welcome a few others by responding to their comments. New to Skool? -> Every time someone likes a post or comment of yours, you get a point. -> Points earn you levels -> 5 Points gets you to level 2 (so go leave 5 comments in the community to get your 5 likes) -> At level 2, you can post in the community. -> At level 3, you unlock your first course As you participate in the community, you earn more courses and prizes, and you develop more valuable relationships (with both me and the members inside). This is a community that CARES about you, and REWARDS you for being an ACTIVE member. Let's learn, grow, and rise together to bring more of the KINGDOM to earth! Any questions? Ask them below and we'll help you out!
New comment 3d ago
A Little About Me - But Maybe A Lot More Than What You Ever Wanted to Know 😆
My name is MelAnn. I am in Texas - a southern red state where religion and politics are one in the same & if I could lose weight raising my inner - and sometimes outer - eyebrow- I’d never have to watch my weight or cringe every time the fake news reporter on the floor of my bathroom gives me a “status report.” Because I do it a lot and I have witnessed some horrible things said and done in the name of Jesus that I’m pretty confident He would have no part of. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m married with children (teenagers). And my job seems to be TaxiUberLyft driver for my youngest - and it’s wearing me out. I’m going to try to keep this fairly short (but keep in mind that is a relative term 😆 EDIT: It’s not that short! 😬) Let’s face it - context matters which means our stories matter. I have lots of them! Feel free to scan and pick and choose or come back to gather in tidbits. It took me awhile to get to this About Me intro. I get interrupted every time I sit down to write it. My husband has Covid. My daughter is training for a job at the newest God’s Chicken place that is opening tomorrow and I had two crazy things happen to me back to back. I love our police officers - but interaction twice for two separate events in less than 24 hours is enough for a while. (I was a witness on one thing and a victim on another.) Also, I had something on my feed a few days ago that made me pause and reconsider some things. His response to the question “How did you know God’s call on for life was music?” rocked my little world this week. Check it out here - it’s pretty short: So, after that, rather than say this is God’s call for my life - I’m going to say it is God equipping me for His call as a writer, story concierge, Identity strategist, & facilitator of deep dive conversations and intimate (small gathering) retreats. It all wraps up nicely under Story Concierge & Community Facilitator. 🎀
New comment 28m ago
A Little About Me - But Maybe A Lot More Than What You Ever Wanted to Know 😆
Replace Obligation with Peace...
One of the exercises I have my group clients do every week is Scripture declarations. I start by identifying what Holy Spirit is asking us to release and then what He wants to bless us with. Each exercise is planned with the particular focus of the current Hebrew Months in mind - so this month is Elul (Sept 4 - Oct 3) and we are focusing on Intimacy with the Lord as He walks with us. Here is today's Declaration, Prayer & Scripture Inspiration to replace Obligation with Peace: Declare: I am enveloped in God’s peace, unhindered by obligation, and perfectly at rest in His presence. 🕊 Prayer 🕊 Lord, I ask You to lift the burdens of obligation that weigh me down. Remove the emotional weight they’ve left behind, and fill me with Your blessings. Help me see how I can walk in the fullness of this peace, calming every disturbance and finding tranquility in Your presence. Let me experience what it feels like to live fully at peace with Your grace. In Jesus' Peaceful Name, Amen. Scripture Inspiration ~ Galatians 5:1 (TPT): At last we have freedom, for Christ has set us free! We must always cherish this truth and firmly refuse to go back into the bondage of our past. How has obligation stifled your ability to feel peaceful?
New comment 34m ago
Replace Obligation with Peace...
Replace Repressed Memories with Freedom
Repressed Memories are deceiving. Your subconscious believes that by tucking these memories deep down inside they will no longer haunt you. Did you know that it's your subconscious' job to protect you? This memory repression is not done with any understanding of the consequences and for a while, you may feel a lot better... not being reminded of the pain of the past *feels* better than constantly being reminded and potentially sidelined by that pain. But at some point, those memories WILL cause issues - they may not be conscious issues and you may not even recognize the connection between what you're experiencing today and particular memories from the past, but those memories will not stay tucked away forever. Your body will be triggered on anniversaries whether or not you consciously remember what happened. You may be extra weepy, cranky or quick to snap at your loved ones and have NO idea what is going on. Unless you get intentional about asking the Lord to address your repressed memories. He wants to heal the broken hearted and when we choose to partner with Him, our healing brings POWERFUL changes to the world - it's impossible for us to not create beautiful things when we walk in freedom!! Are you ready? Let me know in the comments if you embrace this declaration & prayer!! 🕊🕊🕊 Declare: I am set free by the truth of Christ, who breaks every chain of repressed memories and brings me into His perfect freedom. 🕊 Prayer 🕊 Lord, I ask You to break the chains of repressed memories that have held me captive. Pour Your truth into my heart, setting me free from the past and releasing me into the fullness of Your freedom. Show me what it looks like to live without the weight of hidden pain, walking in the freedom You died to give me. In Jesus' Precious, Powerful Name, Amen. Scripture Inspiration ~ John 8:32 (TPT) For if you embrace the truth, it will release true freedom into your lives.
New comment 1h ago
Replace Repressed Memories with Freedom
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Kingdom Culture Revolution
Equipping & activating believers to establish heavenly solutions, empowering them to fulfill their purpose with clarity, confidence, and conviction.
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