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7 contributions to Kingdom Culture Revolution
Happy Sunday!
Just want to let everyone know that I typically will not spend a lot of time here on Sundays. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but this place is so fun it can get addictive! I’ve been convicted that I need to do things differently; that we are in a culture war and are called to be counter-cultural…to be IN the world but not OF it. This has been confirmed multiple times. So in that spirit, I want to set the standard, which means that Sundays are a day of rest and connection for our family. Your day of rest may be Saturday…or Wednesday. Whatever it may be, enjoy the big beautiful world around you and disconnect from your devices! For now…Something fun for you! I’ve been challenged to select a “theme song” for this community. I’m taking nominations this week, so drop your favorite beat and we’ll vote on it! Blessings!
New comment 2d ago
Happy Sunday!
3 likes • 3d
I am too leaning much more into the practice of intentional and structured rest. Sabbath. It has made a big difference in my family and relationships. Great reminder. Hope you had a wonderful day of rest.
2 likes • 2d
@Angela Linville So challenging. I am actually in a season of purposely NOT doing. Not doing things at my desk that are not moving something forward (so no busy work or pretend work or forcing work). Not doing things in my business just because I "should" by some stander I imagined. Not doing ALL THE THINGs in the house or yard. Allowing stillness. And receiving what comes from it. It's a HUGE challenge. But it has also started to bring real reward and clarity and space I desperately needed. I have felt not just mentally better but physically so much clearer and better over all energy levels. Rest has not ever been a natural state for me. This is a learning process for sure.
A BIG question Christians need to ask/answer for themselves...
Have the gifts of prophesy/healing/tongues ceased? (are you a cessationist?) or do they continue? (are you a continuist?). WARNING: This is a rabbit hole and a poke-the-bear kind of topic.... @Angela Linville challenged me to broach this... so here we go 🐻 Like a lot of our spiritual growth, this topic might be a journey in and of itself to land on your stance on this... you may be on a continuum. Why is this important? I believe as we march toward end times and as we are in the Hebrew year of the Door, that the veil between the natural and spiritual is thinning and we are going to see more and more "signs and wonders" both from the dark and from the light (from God and not from God). I encourage you to get with God and our Bible and an open heart/mind on this. Here's one person who has done a deep dive on the topic-- it's a review/rebuttal of the documentary about cessationists (those who believe these gifts have ceased). I confess I have not watched the whole thing... but it seems to be a balanced and Biblical and gospel centered approach and possible a good starting point for you if you do not have an answer to this question or want to reaffirm or decide where you stand. Cessationist: A Critical Evaluation of This Documentary
New comment 3d ago
A BIG question Christians need to ask/answer for themselves...
3 likes • 3d
Not watched the video.... Here is my two cents on the gifts of the Spirit. I 100% believe these gifts are still being given. I do think we are far more sensical and easy to dismiss things than in previous eras. We know more about everything than ever before. So it becomes harder to discern what is a gift and what is not. I know for a fact (personal experiences) that miracles happen. That demons can and are still cast out (personally witnessed more than once, also not Catholic kind). That people do speak in tongues, and signs and miracles of healing in an instant do happen. It never stopped being given. We stopped believing and trusting that it was true. We explain it away. We hide it as shameful or "snake oil." We have allowed the world to silence us. We as a church have buried those with prophetic gifts so as to not create controversy or embarrassment. The gifts have become taboo to we hide them. we have become so focused on "logic" and "proving" or must understand it from a worldly view, we have forgotten to lean into these for what they are - gifts. There are secular studies done on the power of prayer. Most doing the studies cannot understand the results because they often defy logic. Yet we as Christians stay very quiet. We don't want to be viewed as weird or odd or dare I say crazy. Christianity has become a "bad" word in the world. Especially in political circles. So we collectively have gotten smaller over the years. Quieter. We hide in our churches. We turn down the volume. And we explain away or silence these gifts as too risky. I read something the other day that said - instead of preparing for the anti-christ, we should be preparing for Chris's arrival. These are not the same thing. I think that this gift conversation falls into this idea. When we start to believe these gifts are available and given - we will see them manifested more and more. This is preparing FOR Christ. Using our gifts. Embracing our different. I could go on, but I will stop here.
New to the community?
Welcome to Kingdom Culture Revolution! Just joining the community? Leave a simple comment to introduce yourself below, and then welcome a few others by responding to their comments. New to Skool? -> Every time someone likes a post or comment of yours, you get a point. -> Points earn you levels -> 5 Points gets you to level 2 (so go leave 5 comments in the community to get your 5 likes) -> At level 2, you can post in the community. -> At level 3, you unlock your first course As you participate in the community, you earn more courses and prizes, and you develop more valuable relationships (with both me and the members inside). This is a community that CARES about you, and REWARDS you for being an ACTIVE member. Let's learn, grow, and rise together to bring more of the KINGDOM to earth! Any questions? Ask them below and we'll help you out!
New comment 3d ago
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Did this on the other post, not sure which one it is supposed to be I will do it twice. Hello, I thought I had done an intro, but I am not able to find if this is a repeat I apologize. I live in St Pete FL - it's gorgeous and lovely and pretty much paradise. I am married to a fantastic human - my husband William. I have two teens and two dogs. Life is full and fun and always changing yet always the same. I found this group through @Lisa Vanderveen. Been working with her for 6 months and boy, oh, boy - it's been something! Lots of major shifts and clarity. I am working on deciding what I want my life, business, and everything else to look like and be. Leaning into listening better to Holy Spirit's directions and nudges. Less forcing it myself. I am a B2B consultant that helps companies with People Process - I help them Next Level their people focused processes, build servant leadership, and improve company culture so people want to work with them and stay once hired. Scaling by adding team and/or employees can be really hard and scary. I provide a simple, stress reducing way to make work better for everyone. I am active, love to work out, hang out with friends and family, and be totally by myself. I read ravenously - fiction and personal development. I am glad to be here. Finding communities to discuss faith and God and how it all fits in this crazy messed up world is not easy. Look forward to getting to know you all.
Welcome to the BEST Community for Kingdom Leaders (Read me first)
Welcome to our community of Kingdom leaders! We're thrilled to have you here as part of a dynamic group of believers called to establish heavenly solutions in the earth. This is a training ground for the modern-day Elijah’s, David’s, Deborah’s, and Esther’s—those who know they’ve been called for such a time as this. In this community, you’ll find resources, mentorship, connection, collaboration, and the support needed to step fully into your God-given purpose. We’re here to help you gain the clarity, confidence, and conviction to fulfill your mission with passion, power, and purpose. Explore our discussions, engage and collaborate with fellow members, and dive into the content designed to equip you for the unique assignment God has placed on your life. We believe in you, and we’re excited to see the impact you’ll make. How does Skool work? For every comment or post, you get points. Points move you through the levels. Moving through the levels unlocks different goodies. We'll be adding more goodies as we grow. Soooo...Take a moment to introduce yourself. I'd love to learn more about you and the community would too (not to mention, it earns you points which will advance you to Level 2 so you can post!). We're so grateful God has led you here. Welcome to the movement!
New comment 3d ago
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Hello, I thought I had done an intro, but I am not able to find if this is a repeat I apologize. I live in St Pete FL - it's gorgeous and lovely and pretty much paradise. I am married to a fantastic human - my husband William. I have two teens and two dogs. Life is full and fun and always changing yet always the same. I found this group through @Lisa Vanderveen. Been working with her for 6 months and boy, oh, boy - it's been something! I am working on deciding what I want my life, business, and everything else to look like and be. Leaning into listening better to Holy Spirit's directions and nudges. Less forcing it myself. I am a B2B consultant that helps companies with People Process - I help them Next Level their people focused processes, build servant leadership, and improve company culture so people want to work with them and stay once hired. Scaling by adding team and/or employees can be really hard and scary. I provide a simple, stress reducing way to make work better for everyone. I am active, love to work out, hang out with friends and family, and be totally by myself. I read ravenously - fiction and personal development. I am glad to be here. Finding communities to discuss faith and God and how it all fits in this crazy messed up world is not easy. Look forward to getting to know you all.
Controversial Topics
I believe we need to start having deeper conversations, especially about the more controversial topics in the church. If we as a society can’t put on our big boy/girl pants and engage in these discussions, what does that say about us? We don’t have to *agree* on everything, but we should be open to *understanding* other perspectives. It’s not about who is right, but *what* is right—and seeking the truth together. These conversations don’t have to turn into debates or arguments. We can disagree and still respect one another, keeping it clean and focused on learning. Let’s ask the deeper questions and hear each other out. I’d love to know your thoughts on this—do you think we need to have these conversations, and how do we approach them in a healthy way?
New comment 2d ago
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Finding ways to have true "debate" (two different opinions offering their evidence) with out rancor or bunkered thinking is so important. This has not just been lost in the Church setting but in our society as a whole. The ability to disagree with someone and still remain friends, or at least polite is very much not really happening. the other issue is that it's become an either/or conversation and not an AND conversation. Meaning it's you think like me or you are a list of horrible things and I could never associate with someone like that. When in reality we have more in common than we do different and we usually only vary in our view of things slightly. But we have been told it's all or nothing. The echo chambers in society and the church are deafening us to what's actually happening and to the real human condition - with or without God. all the words to say this - conversations need to happen. Everyone agrees about that. Everyone says "yes! I want to do that" but when it comes right down to it, reactions tend to over take intentions. And feelings get in the way of rational conversation. I truly hope the conversations here change that.
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Havilah Vangroll
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25 years helping companies find, hire, and keep their most expensive assets - their people. I help companies build raving fan employees.

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