Dom D'Agostino
HBOT, Keto Diet, MCT Oil, Exoginous Ketones, Metforman!
Listen let's less complicate this thing. Eat Keto. Strict no carbs and no sugar. Not everyone will just get glucose at 70 and that's okay. Let's then add the hammers Dom and I discussed here like MCT, Exoginous Ketones, Metforman, HBOT. Then test! If you still need to adjust stay pacient and reduce protien and callories a little. You will be in good shape. One big thing I learned was exoginous Ketones after every meal reduces glucose! Also helps the GKI significantly! Just please stop fasting just work on dialing in those 5 hammers and you will be much further ahead! Please see the full podcast bellow!
If GKI still is not perfect you are still in good shape. Remember a Keto Diet and fasting only slows the growth of cancer. It is just used as a press and not a cure. So what if your cancer grows 50 percent slower vs 55 percent slower. It's the pulse that kills it and make the biggest difference!
Jason Watson
Dom D'Agostino
We help people to prevent, manage & cure cancer, based on ideas by Dr. Seyfried. Proposed foods follow the RockSolid Diet, invented by J. Rockermeier.
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