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CRM Suggestions/What Are You Using?
Hey all, I'm looking and testing a few different CRMs right now. I'm currently outsourcing outbound lead generation and getting fed motivated leads and looking more at PPL for inbound lead sourcing. I like REISift, but don't love that its not integrated with data and calling such as something like one of the GHL builds. Just wondering what you're using, what your lead gen model is, and what you like/hate about what you're using?
New comment 22h ago
I spent maybe a year and a half cold calling in my local market. I wasn't consistent and results were non-existent. I've heard that my local market is tough but I refuse to let that stop me. I buckled down and began a routine of consistently cold calling at least 4 hours a day 5 days a week. Within 2 months, I found a tired landlord and signed a contract. Life intervened and I had to stop cold calling and move out of state for about 8 months. Meanwhile, that deal took about 4 months to close with minimal input from me: I called the seller at least once every week and provided moral support to him as he evicted a tenant. I learned a lot from that deal but the main takeaway is that inconsitent action is just a waste of time and consistent action yeilds results. Now, I'm commiting to lock in and consistently do the activities that lead to contracts at least 5 days per week.
New comment 3d ago
Intro Post
Hi Everyone! Thank you for joining a community of Intentional Investors! Again this group is specifically set up to bring in those who want to tap into a community of those who are just like them and can bounce ideas off of or when you just need someone to talk to. Because we get it that marketing campaign you sent out might not take off or might have flopped. It might just be a slow time in the business or you need someone outside of your local circle to help build you up. Please tell us your name, where you are from, what markets you are in and tell us what you are looking for and how we can help you!
New comment 5d ago
Intro Post
New Module Release- Contracts
Happy start to Q3!! Just dropped the module for contracts! Reminder if it says locked on when you try to access it... You HAVE to go through the "start here module" for it to give access to the other modules.
New comment 5d ago
Hey everyone I’m in the FL markets looking forward to connecting with others.
New comment 5d ago
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