I spent maybe a year and a half cold calling in my local market. I wasn't consistent and results were non-existent. I've heard that my local market is tough but I refuse to let that stop me. I buckled down and began a routine of consistently cold calling at least 4 hours a day 5 days a week. Within 2 months, I found a tired landlord and signed a contract. Life intervened and I had to stop cold calling and move out of state for about 8 months. Meanwhile, that deal took about 4 months to close with minimal input from me: I called the seller at least once every week and provided moral support to him as he evicted a tenant. I learned a lot from that deal but the main takeaway is that inconsitent action is just a waste of time and consistent action yeilds results. Now, I'm commiting to lock in and consistently do the activities that lead to contracts at least 5 days per week.
Phil Banks
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