Write something
Challenge 1 Cognitive Thought Log Click on the link -Go to file -Make a Copy -Choose where you want it to go *I suggest making a folder for Integrated Health -Detail out your thoughts and digg into what they are all about and what patterns you have with them esp when it comes to nutrition as always, Live Intentional, Live Free!
New comment Mar 14
How Bad Does It Have to Get?
A lot of times when making health changes people decide to make changes ONLY if things get bad enough. Physical health: Diabetes/heart disease? Ok NOW I will work on food, which has now become very difficult because the patterns have been so ingrained because you waited til you could no longer ignore the harmful habits. Back problems/shoulder problems? Osteoporosis? Ok NOW I will start trying to strengthen my body now that I have 10000 physical aches and pains. Mindset/mental & emotional health: Anxiety/stress/constant burnout, thinking you are never going to get where you need to go because you aren't capable? Unresolved trauma and triggers that cause a lot of negative mental/emotional health patterns? Ok NOW I will go see someone to talk about my life and see what patterns have caused this constant issue. Relational health: Unable to work through conflict and repair? Divorce, broken friendships/family relationships? Ok NOW I will address my own individual patterns mentally/emotionally/relationally because I am now WRECKED from broken relationships and community. NOW I will get help and get to know myself to have healthier relationships. Why don't we work to prevent the damage and learn how to move through, and be aware of, our individual health FOR the health of our relationships? Will it be a fix all? No, no it will not. But you can learn yourself and how you change and grow and learn to work through conflict and repair so life is just less stressful because you want to grow intentionally and consciously. Loving your neighbor comes from doing the hard work of knowing yourself first! Love your tribe by taking charge in your own health. This is why we do integrated health! Live Intentional, Live Free!🙌
Mind Science Podcast for a NEW Mindset
I highly recommend the Mark Groves Podcast for self-development & lots of good health topics from mental/emotional health, relational health, physical health, financial health, & intellectual health! This episode is with Dr. Joe Dispenza, researcher/lecturer/author on Brain Science & rewiring your neurons! My biggest take aways👇🏼 ➡️ Nothing changes until YOU decide to become conscious to your patterns & Do, The. Work. of changing your reality. ➡️ We are made of 95% unconscious data/programs affected by outside circumstances but no one is FORCING you to think or feel in accordance with those circumstances, that is YOUR unconscious choice & you can choose to consciously change that reality for you & your tribe! ➡️ DATA SHOWS: Rehearsing a thought/feeling you WANT for 7 days BIOLOGICALLY begins to change your brains circuitry even before external changes start happening. YOU are in control of your internal state. So get to know the patterns of your internal state now. ➡️ You can train your mind & body to biologically think/feel independently of the circumstances around you 🤯 Give it a listen & drop 👇🏼 your 🤯 moments! Live Conscious, Live Intentional, Live Free🌱
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Chase intentional self-awareness of your OWN health patterns, inside&out. The best thing you can do for your TRIBE is CHASE your health potential🔥
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