We were having a discussion on the Pro group call yesterday about "guilt" and mindset over making such high profit margins with so little effort. It's a real thing and most of us have some sort of "mindset" that wants us to "earn" the money we receive. Here's a post from Alen Sultanic a while back that I think helps us think of "EARNING" money in a new light. Enjoy ... The Right Money Mindset - The Subconscious Negative To Positive Flip Over Process For Receiving A Lot More In NHB+, I like to open every call with about 30-45 mins of mindset work, because without that, no amount of knowledge, skills or know-how is going to get you far. Reason being, for as long as I can remember I had one of the best skill sets in the world when it comes to this game, but not the best mind set and it wasn't until I fixed my mind set that allowed me to dominate anything I put my mind to. You see, one of the principles of the subconscious mind is that it always works to keep you safe, and anything it creates, any belief system, anything is there to keep you safe. So growing up without much money, everyone around you has to create justifications as to why we didn't have much to feel good about that. Their brains were on autopilot making them feel safe, and thus phrases such as "money doesn't grow on trees", "money is evil" and such become the norm and take root in the subconscious mind. In order to become the person who receives a lot of money, your mind has to attach A LOT of positive association to it, and as many of you didn't grow up rich, that means by default deep down you have a negative association with it. How can you receive much money if in the depths of your subconscious mind you believe you're doing bad in the world? This is how I know if you don't have much of it, 99.9999% you have a negative association with money and don't even know it. So here's the "flip over process" of how to go from negative to positive association so you can start recieving a lot more of it. You can't spend money without helping or supporting someone else, and you're not just supporting that one person, you' also supporting all of the people they support when they spend the money too.